
Monday, May 21, 2018

Good Monday

I have been gone so long I wasn't sure I could get back into the swing of things. We were dealing with puppy woes, coughs and other life issues and I was happy, getting ready to celebrate our 34th wedding anniversary on May 3rd. I was sick to the point, I did not get out of my bed until last Saturday. I thought I had food poisoning but this virus was not going away. I had never experienced anything like it and I went through neurosurgery not once or twice but three times. Anyway, I am trying to get better and shared this photo of Lulu. She is a joyful little girl and can brighten anyones day. I hope Aw...Mondays will take me and my lateness today.
Saying hello to Blue Monday and sharing a Scripture that gives me great comfort in difficult situations and helps me not be troubled by the things of this world. God's got this, I need to remind myself of this daily.
Annie at McGruffy's Reader and Sparks moved to wordpress and it is by invitation only. I still want to share a favorite quote. If you caught any of the Royal Wedding this weekend, I felt happy for the newlywed couple but also grateful that the American preacher spoke about love. Without love nothing will change in this world. No matter how hard you protest or give your personal opinion. We are sadly lacking in love. It is everywhere. I was very shocked, a wonderful woman I have known for years, made a very derogatory comment about the royal wedding. It is not everyone's thing but being kind should be your top priority as a Christian. I was very sad.
Love is certainly not easy, it should be, but often it is not. This Love is... sums it up very nicely. I wish life were this simple.
When I was small my grandmother use to say the lightening and thunder were God's way of showing us He was unhappy with us. We have had some crazy thunder storms and rain and cold and very dreary days. Finally getting some warmth. We are always under some sort of weather watch.
I had a hard time dealing with being so sick.  But my son-in-law Roger and our son Nick had this same horrible thing. The newlywed Rebekah had it briefly but she got better quickly. Ah....youth.
Some words to reflect. I am going to restart all my Alphabet Days in June and pray that I can get through them without conflict. I hope everyone has a beautiful week and thank you for sticking by me.


  1. Hi Sandee, I can not leave a comment at your blog. I have had this some problem with FC lately too. ANyway I enjoy your shares for Aw....Mondays and always appreciate seeing you here. Have a great week.

  2. Hey YOU...have missed you and your visits and sweet comments. Although, I have been blogging, I have not been a very good friend to visit and leave comments. As you say, LIFE and all that goes with keeping up with daily to do's...and you know me...I have so many OverDo's...LOL! Sorry to hear you have been sick...get hear! Loved the Royal Wedding and the LOVE it showed for the couple from around the matter the negative one''s their loveless problem. Glad to see your post pop up on my Blog Roll. Feel better, my friend.

  3. You are never late with Awww Mondays. I do hope you're feeling better though. Sounds like you were really sick. I hate being sick. At least you're blogging again.

    Have a fabulous day filled with good health. Big hugs. ♥

  4. THREE neurosurgeries? Oh my word, Anne. So very sorry to hear this, but I'm comforted knowing your family was near. Sending prayers for strength ... baby steps!
