
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thankful Thursday

I'm not a kid anymore, I am mature, have been here a long while but sometime when I take my precious grandboy Harrison out in restaurants and places, often elderly people make the meanest faces! I never want to be those people. Harrison is a great child. He is two which means yes he can have a melt down but we usually have a grand time and he uses good manners and often flirts with waitresses. He is quite a little man.
When I was so sick a few weeks ago I missed our trek to Pueblo and a visit with my sister. Noelle, our oldest daughter, took Harrison along and she told him at the local cemetery  "This grave belongs to "Ma's" parents." He patted their headstone for me. Look at that sweet face!
Harrison by my BFF Grandmother's grave. He would be her 3 times great grandson. What a joy he would be for her. When you explain things to him, he understands and I have told him my grandmother lost her eyesight so she could not see. He would take her hand and help her around. He is a good little boy. That smile is too much for my heart . I love this boy a lot.
The world is a wild and crazy place. I will stick by Christ. He has not left me behind and I don't think he will. I Am hopeful bloggers wh sailed off to social media will return. The political stink over there is too much to handle. You can judge and then tell others not to judge you. What a mess we have created with "our" personal opinions which solve nothing and certainly do not make anything better. I love blogging.
Princess Sassy Pants said it best today. Kindness is very affordable, everywhere can use it, it is free and comes from the heart.
A  B I G smile from our grandboy Brody Edward. Oh what a joy this child is. His facial expressions melt my heart. A beautiful child who loves car rides with mom and dad. A joy in our lives. Kindness is easy to spread and you will feel better too. THank you for stopping by. Enjoy your weekend.


  1. Those were all wonderfully good and Brody is such a cutie! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. You have two wonderful little men to be thankful for. This post made me smile.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Anne. ♥

  3. Your grandbabies are adorable.

  4. That precious little boy smile sure makes us all happy! I am trying my best to be kind and giving to as many people as I can. I'm making more of an effort this year and so far it's making me feel much happier too! Thanks for the thoughtful quotes! Hugs, Diane

  5. They are such sweet little faces aren't they. Nothing beats a genuine smile EVER!

  6. Your little guys are simply darling. And such a blessing! You and I have so much to be thankful for. You know, even a bad day is a good day when you realize that you are still here to enjoy your family as it grows. Pogo and I wish you a super day. Hugs, Edna B.
