
Monday, June 18, 2018


Stop by Aw....Mondays and tell Sandee and friends hello and please share something to make you say Aw....Mondays! This baby gorilaa is being loved by his mother shortly after his birth. What a precious thing life is.
Mother Teresa was a wise woman who cared for the masses of poverty riddled Calcutta, India. She held them close and always remembered them in her prayers. She was incredibly kind .Annie from McGuffy's Reader/Sparks is on hiatus. She is in my daily prayers. I love that she shared this kindness with all of us. Also stop by Blue Monday for a bit of blue.
Love is...can always bring me a smile. I use to love to play pool. I would love to have a pool table to practice .
Oh Maxine! we still have a land line. I like to make up songs to sing, and I am not a singer , so the spammers, hackers, frauds, political calls, will hang up on me first.  Now they are infiltrating our cell phones too.
Have a beautiful week.


  1. Awww, love between a mom and baby is so precious indeed. Love your Spark.

    Have a fabulous day, Anne. Big hug. ♥

  2. I have a landline too. I'm not sure why so many folks got rid of theirs. It's not always easy to reach someone by cell phone. I'm like Maxine, if I don't recognize a name or number, I don't answer the phone. There are too many crank calls nowadays. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  3. Like that Maxine, you're so funny! When my youngest grand was very young she had speech challenges … so much so, when a telemarketer would call my son would put Chloe on the phone.

    Have a beautiful day!

  4. Funny! Maxine!
    We got rid of our landline because we didn't want to answer it. I don't miss it.
    Have a great week, Anne!

  5. Awww, the mom and baby gorillas! I also love the Maxine one. I have both cell and landline too. I don't understand why some people feel compelled to answer every call right away even when they are out at a restaurant with friends.
    Mary (Cactus Catz)

  6. I don't like to answer phones, either. You know, Anne, I just might try singing to telemarketers too.
