
Sunday, July 1, 2018

A Very Blue Monday

Usually I can swing through Monday. But not this one. Although I enjoyed a nice weekend with loved ones here at home my sister sent me a link on SONday.
My friend Kathleen P. "Kathy" O' Gane passed away, I am assuming peacefully, in her sleep June 28, 2018. She was 63 years too young. Kathy and I had known each other since 1972. Her father Buck worked at the Pueblo  County Courthouse .  I was working there after graduating early in March 1972 from high school. Buck asked my boss Mrs. Mary Shomer if she could offer his daughter Kathy a job. That is how I met my friend Kathy through her funny and amazing dad Mr. Buckley P. "Buck" O'Gane.We became fast friends and she introduced me to Vivian, our sweet friend who passed away in January this year. I Am sad by my friends sudden passing but grateful to have known her and hoping she is resting in peace.

Visiting Sandee at Aw...Mondays and showing you a google image of a prayerful pup. I am going to donate to a local animal rescue in memory of my friend Kathy. She had three fur babies when she passed away Wednesday.
A message of smiles and courage and comfort and love with everything good in between. Praying for Annie and sharing this with Sparks.
A single blue rose in memory of Kathy. Stop by Blue Monday and share some blue today.
Love is...always has the right words I need. My sister would disagree but once a long time ago, Kathy had a few too many drinks and threw my sister in a mud muddle, that was huge, outside of a country/western nightclub we frequented. Kathy wasn't a huge drinker because she was too far gone way too early. She use to get a little crazy and my poor big sister was in her path. We can giggle now, but when it happened my sister was not a happy camper.

Kathy served in the United States Navy. So was her brother Michael and sister Marlene. Her dad Buck and brother Patrick were in the U.S,, Army.
Maxine, we agree! I am grateful for all who served and are serving. Thank you to all the O'Gane's who stepped up and served.
Kathy lost her mom this past Autumn. Her sister Marlene will now be the only one left at the phamily home. Please pray for Marlene. I am certain she is emotionally fragile  as she and Kathy lived together in the phamily home. seems to come to us in this life when we least expect it. Stay close to those you love, renew your relationships that are broken.
God's promise in life because we will taste death.
Pray for Anne's niece Amber in Texas. She was just diagnosed with breast cancer. Pray for Vickie and Don as they struggle with health issues of their own while dealing with their daughter Kristi and her husband Jeremy who recently had a kidney transplant and has been dealing with one infection after another. Kristi needs prayer too as she is on the brink of breaking, it has been a difficult road for all of them. Pray for my husband's sister Lucy who is at a Level I trauma center here in Denver. She was hit by a drunk driver travelling over 100 miles an hour late last night. Her daughter Staci sustained a broken neck among other injuries. Her daughter has a broken elbow and three of Lucy's grandson's. Kameron, Kaden and Mason were also injuried. The drunk driver walked away with nary a scratch,
This is Lucy's truck. The photo is from the Brighton Fire Rescue post. She  is at a level I trauma hospital. Her daughter is at another Denver area hospital and the 3 grandkids are at The Childrens Hospital.  We were told Taylor, Staci's daughter had the least serious injury. My husband's sister was air lifted by Flight for Life and her youngest daughter told my husband she would let him know how her surgery went. For five minutes I wish people would get off the gun control issue , look at the death and critical injury rate of drunk drivers hitting innocent people  and take all the ads off TV and magazines glamourizing alcohol. Smoking is still attacked and it is no worse than being in an accident with a drunk driver who seriously injures you. Check the stats. I'm sorry but the drunk driving rate is out of control. I wish my husband's phamily peace, healing and many prayers.


  1. Oh my:( So sorry for the loss of your friend and for the injury sustained in the accident! I will pray for all of those you mentioned by name in this post! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

  2. My sincere condolences to family and friends; grief takes as long as it takes, it cannot be rushed. The best gift I ever got was when someone visited and simply sat with me.
    Prayers for the folks in hospital, what a horrible wreck!
    Thanks to all veterans and have a blessed and safe July 4th.

  3. I'm so sorry about your friend. Prayers all around for those in need. What a horrible accident.

    Have a blessed Awww Monday, Anne. Big healing hugs. ♥

  4. My condolences to you and Kathy's family. Very sad.

  5. Aw, I'm so sorry to hear of Kathy's unexpected passing! But I'll bet she'd be tickled pink to know you've eulogized her with this funny 'mudpuddle' story. Remembering a favorite song lyric, "For it's the laughter, we will remember … when we remember the way we were."

    Prayers for Lucy and family's speedy healing. I agree 100% with what you said about drunk drivers.

  6. Such a horrible "accident". I pray that everyone recovers -

    Kathy sounds like a wonderful person - you were lucky to have met her.
