
Friday, November 16, 2018


When I was younger, I loved this expression, Thank God It's Friday.

It has been a long while since I visited here with everyone. I missed my 9 year blogaversary and thought perhaps, after the New Year, I can have a giveaway.
I love this quote. I also love art. But I have spent the last several weeks caring for Bandit, Jeremy's little rat terrier who passed away at 6:58 P.M. on Thursday November 8, 2018. He was 17 years old and 7 months. His little life was one that had a tremendous impact on all of us. Even as a week came and went I found myself unable to sit and write about him. He was so important to me. The last few months were difficult but his life brought a joy that is hard to explain.
This is a photo of him on Valentine's Day this year. He touched so many lives. It is difficult for me because I spent so much time with him.  He even made a huge mark on the three puppies. After his passing, they all sat quietly. No one could even muster a bark.
Bandit was quite the Dapper Gentlemen when he was younger. He was fierce, faithful, kind and an amazing watch dog for a small fellow. This summer, when he still had a lot of bark in him the mail lady told me she thought I had a pit bull! When she saw this tiny fellow, she smiled.
This quote really touched my heart. I said this is Bandit and I need to share it. He was a remarkable little guy and he will live forever in all of our hearts.
This was the last photo photo I took of this my fearless little friend. I was washing his big comfy bed and linens and moved him into this smaller puppy bed. He loved being cuddled like a baby and many days toward the end of his life, I held him close and told him how loved he was.

This google images caught my eye as I searched for the right words to say for my funny little friend. The words are fitting to the patriarch of our canine phamily.
Although life will be different without this longtime friend he will live in our hearts and our minds for the rest of our lives. R.I. P. my quirky phamily friend.


  1. It's so hard to let them go. I so know this pain. They are ever so precious.

    Big healing hugs honey. Love to all. ♥♥♥

  2. Oh Anne, I'm so (so) sorry about lil Bandit. What a sweet face! Your illustrations are so fitting, so poignant. {{HUGS}}

  3. We sure understand how hard it can be to write about such a loss. How wonderful you had him for so many years. All those memories are precious when they leave. The pictures didn't show for us, for some reason, unless we clicked on each individually so it opened in a new tab. (That's okay.)-

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. Bandit is such a handsome fellow, and well loved. May he rest in peace. It is so difficult to lose our best friends. They are so loyal to us their whole life. They give us so much unconditional love. Hugs for you my friend, Edna B.

  5. Bandit's heart was bigger than his body.

