
Friday, February 15, 2019

Memory Makers and A Little Bit of Weekend Humor

This has been a rough week. Found out from my sister that a classmate from kindergarten through high school passed away. My love and prayers to Richard's wife Debra (we were high school classmates) and their son and his phamily. Life is short, laugh more and keep good memories close to your heart. This google image really touched my heart tonight as I sat down to write this.
You know that saying, when life gives you lemons...make lemonade. No matter what life throws at you give it to God and let Him take your anxiety away. I find so many young people grasping at straws. Not knowing if anything exists that is worth the wait. Trust me, it is worth the wait.
You may laugh at us or think we are old fashioned or boring but if you listen to what we have to say, someday you may just be as smart as we are. 
Humor is always an excellent choice. Even in sadness you will find there is going to be something that will make you smile again. This was just too cute not to share.
I have had a great deal of trouble getting enough rest at night. I am not a huge fan of pharmaceutical companies and their drugs that give you relief from one thing and a hundred other things to make you more sick and worrisome. I am learning, even at my age, that God is truly in control and I need to stop fighting Him for control of things that I clearly have no expertise in!
My daughter-in-law has a birthday today. She shared this photo of of a couple of her very favorite people. Two huge reasons to make someone smile. Those faces are precious and priceless. Big sis is growing up and blossoming into a lovely young lady.  Looking more like her mom every day. Little brother is the master of facial expressions. I knew his father when he was a small boy. Hmmm....think it's genetics?
I wonder if Brittany would like this cake? I already put this on my pinterest page of Phamily Celebration Cakes. Reminder: the Kentucky Derby is going to be here before I know it. Time to search for that perfect hat.
Having a birthday right next to Valentine's Day may bring a gal more floral bouquets. Brittany is a lucky lady.
A small sweet poem to share for the birthday girl in our phamily.
Words to think about.
Ha! Maxine haven't you heard, daylight savings time is coming soon to a place near you?
More words to think about. I believe we are headed into some very troubling times. My choice is to stay as close to God as I can.
President's Day is Monday February 18, 2019.  A fun history fact before it disappears. George Washington our first US President was born February 22, 1732. Abraham Lincoln, was born February 12, 1809. WIlliam Henry Harrison was born February 9, 1773 and Ronald Reagan was born February 6, 1911. Many people dislike our current president. A fun fact about him, he does not claim to own the rights to President's Day and he was born on what is celebrated in the USA as Flag Day June 14th in the year 1946.
Visit Sandee for fun with Feline Friday. I thought I'd stick with the patriotic theme. I shared the some of the meaning of patriotism.  I'm like my folks were, a real Yankee doodle Dandy.


Dictionary result for patriotism

  1. the quality of being patriotic; devotion to and vigorous support for one's country.

    "a highly decorated officer of unquestionable integrity and patriotism" synonyms: nationalism, patriotic sentiment, allegiance/loyalty to one;s country, loyalism.

     In keeping with the feline fun I decided to stop by Beverly's
     and share some cartoon Cats a/k/a comic felines.  THis is Snaglepuss. I loved this crazy cat as a kid!
  2. Sweet Marie from the DIsney film "The AristoCats.
  3. The Pink Panther who was one of the first
    pinks" I shared at Beverly's blog meme.
  4. Finally "Top Cat" (purple vest) with a gang of his feline finest friends. What sweet memories in pink this brings to me. Two of his best buddies were Bennie and Choo Choo.Enjoy a splendid weekend. Make sure you leave some time for a few blog hopping visits. If you use to blog and have thought about coming back, please do.


  1. So sorry about your classmate, prayers for that family! Lots of truth in these quotes, my sentiments exactly:) I love those cartoons from our childhood:) Thanks for sharing! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday Dear Brittany,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪

    I like our current president. I've leaned to not respect many liberals during his presidency too. They should be ashamed of themselves for their vile hatred.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Hope you have a great weekend, Anne. Big hug. ♥

  3. Oh Anne, what a balm your words and memes are when my heart or head grow weary! Addie, isn't it? She's the spitting image of your DIL! Jeremy better polish his shotgun. Hee-hee. How y'all must delight in that precious baby boy!

  4. I love the photos, and oh my, what memories those cartoon characters bring back! I happen to like President Trump. He has an enormous job to do and I pray that God watches over to help him get his job done. It's a job that most all of us just could not do.

    The sun is shining here today and my laundry is in the washing machine. It's going to be another good day. I hope you have a wonderful week, hugs, Edna B.
