
Monday, February 25, 2019

Not A Minimalist

So anyone who knows me well will not I am not a minimalist. I will not pick up every item I own and if I do not find joy in it I will toss is away or give it away! Marie Kondo apparently does not recycle! I am not concerned about my children and their feelings either. If I meet my maker before them my possessions will not matter. I have always thought perhaps they would think of me fondly rather than dump my things in a dumpster or thrift store. I have cards and letters and postcards from my folks that I treasure. My sister-in-law has a box of love letters that her dad wrote to her mom while he was overseas. As far as keeping mementoes and whatever makes you happy I say to each his own. We are not all the same, thank goodness.

 I love my LuLaRoe.I have a lot of it but it is comfy and the fabric and prints are fun and pretty. But this meme was posted at social media by a LuLaRoe consultant and to be very honest, I love it and agree with it. I think you should just be your own person. Why do you need to read a book by someone who thinks they know the answer to everything? Do you need to copy someone else's style? Make your own style. Follow your own dreams. I remember when Oprah became a huge star. People worshipped her.  I reserve worship for this person:

Jesus loves the little children. I watched 2 of my great grand boys recently. The baby was wide awake and I was talking to him about Jesus. I wish I had a video of his precious little face. He was smiling so beautifully.

How about a little Maxine humor?

Oh Maxine, you crack me up daily!
Sad news on the passing of Peter Tork (far left). He was 77 and one of the most talented musicians . He had lots of talent and once directed an episode of the Monkees TV series, band mate Micky Dolenz took on the task of directed an episode too. Davy Jones (far right) passed away in 2012. I met these zany guys in 1967 as they were performing at the Colorado State Fair in my hometown of Pueblo, Colorado. My friend Bobbie, a California girl was with me when we met these guys. We even baked them a cake! Do you know that in 1967 these guys outsold both the Beatles and the Rolling Stones? I wish I had not lost contact with Bobbie, she was a sweet gal and had Pueblo roots so we were fast friends back then. We were so young, around 14 years old!
Rest well Mr. THorkelson.

Ben Gibbard from Death Cab for Cutie wrote this song and Micky Dolenz performed it with Peter Tork and Michael Nesmith. When my greatest grand boy Harrison was tiny I would play this song and it always soothed him to sleep. The tracks from the Good Times soundtrack were a long time coming, It commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Monkees to be exact! Many talented writers were involved in these project including Ben Gibbard and Weezer frontman Rivers Cuomo. I love music so I love finding out why songs were written and knowing the writers and performers.
Say hi to Sandee and the folks at Aw...Mondays. This kitten fit purrrrrectly into the new week.
Love is...makes a happy day.
Enjoy your week.


  1. We all have our treasures and that's a good thing. I'm not going to dump mine either. We have gotten rid of stuff we don't use anymore and there is nothing wrong with that, but you can declutter way too much.

    Sad about Peter's passing. I loved that show and I love their music.

    Aw on the kitty. So precious.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday and week, Anne. Big hug. ♥

  2. Oh Anne, I just LOVE your take on Ms. Kondo! I never bothered to read her book … but like Oprah, I get to shaking my head at the number of people who can't/won't think for themselves. (Sorry, but I've never been a fan of Oprah.)
    I felt so sad upon hearing the news of Peter Tork. He was my favorite Monkee; my high-school boyfriend and I played their songs all the time. 'Bubble-gum' music, perhaps … but it was happy and wholesome.

  3. This post hits close to home:) I am also NOT a minimalist by no means. I have SO many things that mean SO much to me and I hope that they won't be tossed after I leave this World. Perhaps, but I hope not:) Love Maxine and the Love is! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. Over the years, I too have collected many things that brought me such pleasure. I've given lots of them away, but I still have lots of them. When I'm gone, then someone else can do whatever with them. For now, they give me comfort and make me happy. I love that photo of the kitty.

    p.s. I have given away large trash bags full of purses. And I still have a ton of them. Don't ask me why. I don't use them all, but I love them. Silly, huh?

    You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.
