
Sunday, March 17, 2019


Saint Patrick was quite an interesting man and has a history behind him that is filled with his love of the poor and committing random acts of kindness.
I agree with these words.
Enjoy wearing some green and being Irish even if it for the day to celebrate this holiday. My hubby had grandparents who came from Ulster Providence in Ireland. He was in the U.S> Navy and she was a school teacher,
My hubby's grandparents from Ulster Providence in Ireland. He was Avery Robinson who came to the USA and joined the US Navy. Ivy Murphy- Robinson was a teacher.
My father-in-law was the small boy on the far right. His sister Hazel is behind him and brother Alan next to him. I am not sure who the boy next to my father-in-law's mother. It is hard to determine photo's sometime because not everyone wrote on the back of their photos back in the day. It is just a treasure to have them.

OĆ­che mhaith


  1. What a lovely family you have. I know you cherish the past and present.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day, honey. Big hug. ♥

  2. Happy and blessed St. Patrick's Day!

  3. Wishing you a happy St. Patrick's Day. Hugs, Edna B.
