
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tuesday Show and Tail and Happy Tuesday

Leo says he doesn't get enough blog time. So here he is in all his glory. He loves getting his teeth brushed. Isn't that so funny? He is a gentle soul unless wild rabbits are involved. Than he is on a mission! So in honor of Tuesday Show and Tail here's Leo!
I never get to do what I want! Leo can pout like a toddler.
Yoga for a Happy Tuesday
This is some good food for thought.Always be thankful.

Maxine, I agree with you today! I have never been a fan of ironing. Years ago my friend Mary E. took her clean laundry to a lady who ironed her clothes. She did not like to iron either but apparently she knew someone who did. I had a cousin who had her mom iron her socks! W H A T ????

Strong bones are the best bones. Unfortunately, I don't have those bones. I had to have a bone density earlier. You know you are getting old when the tech's name is Carly. But she was good at her job and I will hear from my doctor tomorrow hopefully with results.
My mom had bad bones. Just my luck. Getting older is the pitts. I was at Target earlier and chatting with one of the sweet cashiers, Jovita.  She lost her son in a shooting at a local Wal-Mart. over a year ago. she just lives day to day and makes the most of it. She was telling me about a customer, walking out of the store. She said the lady was 96! Wow! She looked 56 and acted young too. Good genetics. We had a good chuckle over that.
A little police humor.

In his tent playing with Blaze Trucks. This child is growing up too quickly. Love my Harrison James.
Alastor Avery loves this Papa. I think he is going to get some pearly whites pretty soon. He is drooling everywhere/ If you love baseball, you will love this child. Prop him up on a sturdy pillow and he will watch a ball game with .

Matthew 19:14 says Jesus loved the little children. This is such a powerful verse. A beautiful share.


  1. Aw, Leo is a handsome pup. They are most precious aren't they.

    Love your humor.

    I too have fair bones. Oh well. I've got my test coming up.

    Your grands are adorable. Love it that one loves baseball already.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a blessed day my friend. Big hug. ♥

  2. Wow. I never heard of a dog enjoying having its teeth brushed. Y'all are going to save a fortune in vet cleaning bills! Ya, it's been several years now I've had the bone density scans. Quite by accident my (would-be) chiropractor noticed something suspicious on an x-ray and suggested I be checked for osteoporosis. One thing led to another and yes, I've got it … just like my mom. Like Gilda Radner said, it's always something!
