
Friday, May 3, 2019


Today we celebrate 35 years of wedded bliss. Not always an easy journey. But one we stuck together through thick and thin.
Love is...shared my thoughts today perfectly.
My favorite person in life. This man sticks by me no matter what is going on. He is kind and caring. He has the silliest sense of humor! He can make me laugh through tears if necessary. I am going to enjoy our adventures for the next few days and be grateful that God gave this man to me.
We had a fun adventure last year in the Colorado mountains. Anyone who will run in a bathing suit and robe from hot springs pools to the next one is a true adventurer. We slept in an old brass bed, the kind most everyone;s grandma had when they were a kid. We enjoyed the company of two of our five children and their spouses. We are not worldly wealthy but we make the best of all the times we share together.
We will have a yummy lunch at one of our favorite places, Texas de Brazil. The food is amazing.
Nothing like meat served off of a sword!
We even might get to watch this little guy while his mom and dad enjoy a belated anniversary night on the town.
Faith, Hope and Love. Three ingredients for  a good solid marriage.
Love does not consist of gazing at each other but  in looking together in the same direction. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery


  1. Happy Anniversary to the both of you. What a wonderful milestone.

    I love all the food.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, honey. Big hug. ♥

  2. I'm catching up on your last two posts. Wow! Happy Anniversary. My goodness, 35 years! Congratulations. I love all the photos, but my favorite is your wedding photo. I'm wishing you both many more wonderful years together. You have a great day, hugs, Edna B.

  3. Happy Anniversary!!! Y'all and Jack/Sherry at Ship's Log sure set the bar pretty high for the rest of us. I've always wanted to dine at a Brazilian steakhouse!

    PS - I'm SO curious where it was you went last year with the brass bed and hot pools. When we moved out here I swore I'd never get on a plane again, but this sure sounds tempting!

  4. It is rare today for a marriage to work like yours. WONDERFUL AND WISH YOU MANY MORE BLISSFUL YEARS.

  5. Happy anniversary, it sounds like you are having fun and adventures.
