
Thursday, June 13, 2019


This was so darn cute I had to share it! Thankful for snack holes in her coat. How do kids come up with these things,
I have had some difficult days but today I am truly grateful. Thankful, Happy, Blessed.Thankful Thursday is a great place to get some encouragement. Visit Brian today.

Simple pleasures and Snoopy. The world would benefit from the knowledge Snoopy would share.
Isn't that the truth? At least it is at my house. But in all seriousness, when our children were small I took great delight in doing laundry.  It gave me quiet time with God and I learned to talk with Him while I sorted, washed and folded laundry. I have never changed. I still love doing laundry and probably always will. God always knows I am going to chat with Him while the chores get done and this verse gave me comfort knowing God loves me regardless of how minimal or how important my job is.
Thinking of all my loved ones who have gone before us. Grateful and thankful for any and all photos I have.
Ambrose was our boarder. My mother took care of him. He was a bachelor from the "old country". He is the shorter gentleman. He lived in a little house behind our house when I was a kid. It had a bedroom/living area and full bathroom. When he became very ill he went into assisted living. I am going to research him along with my own ancestors and see what I can find. I like to visit his grave when I go home. The cemetery gives me comfort simply because I am thankful all these wonderful people were once part of my earthly life.
I am guessing my older brother Bill (left) and late cousin Ronnie had graduated. This photo was in Ronnie's yard. Years later, the house was moved or torn away to make way for a gas station which I am not certain is there any longer either. The highway ran directly behind it. My brother tells me he better not see himself on FaceBook. Technically this is my private blog so I don't think FB can infringe on my rights over here. These two fellows were both teachers.
I always thought the boy with the belt was my father. Now I am unsure. He had two older brothers. One passed away at age 3,  The other one too soon also when he was a married man with a beautiful phamily. I wish the names were written on the back of this photo. But I do know my auntie Mima is the tall girl and auntie Gela the small girl. I am learning so much about my grandparents. My grandmother spent most of her life in poor health. My grandfather was a "modern man" as he cared for her until she passed away three years before his own passing. I adored my grandfather. He was kind just like my own father. Missing all of them today. Hoping to share more tomorrow.


  1. Such a cool family history and we love the snack holes thing!!! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. Snack hole. I like that.

    I love those kinds of quiet mornings too. I have then most mornings.

    I love it when you talk about your family. You're right about writing the names on the back of the photographs.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Anne. Big hug. ♥♥♥

  3. I love the quiet mornings too. Of course, being retired, I have a lot of them! I love the photos and memories that you share. You hve a wonderful weekend my friend, hugs, Edna B.

  4. Snoopy just defined what I love best about retirement! Your idea to research Ambrose is the sweetest thing. Not having a family to call his own, I think his soul would be honored.

  5. Interesting about Ambrose, i did not know the history of your back house..remember Pinkys back house that i lived in. Well my grandparents lived in it in the early 50s along with my mom when my dad was in Korea. My great grandparents lived in the big front house, and Pinky lived there with them. So when i ended up living in the back house it was like coming full circle. I wish i owned that property now! Its still there.
