
Thursday, July 18, 2019

Thankful Thursday Feline Friday and Pink Saturday

Logan Odin was not waiting to join his three older brothers.  He made his debut a bit too early. Please keep him and his parents Andrew and Tarrah in your prayers along with big brothers Jayden, Michael and Benjamin. I can't post much more than this but he is a tough little fellow. God is good and we are praying.

Visit Thankful Thursday and say hello to Brian and everyone participating there.
Here is a motley crew. The Feline Breakfast Club. Cats are creatures of habit where their nourishment is concerned. Visit Feline Friday and tell Sandee and the folks there happy weekend while sharing a feline funny, photo or quote. Enjoy the weekend.
Cats are owners of people and not the other way around.
Pink Cat Pop Art. The artist: James Ahn. Stop over to say hello to Pink Saturday This image is copyrighted and belongs to the artist James Ahn. It is very lovely.


  1. Even with all the prayers, Logan arrived when he wanted to. Prayers continue.

    Aw on the kitties. I love kitties and pups.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug, Anne. ♥

  2. Congratulation on the arrival of Logan. One day, in the not so far off future, he will probably be bigger than either of his brothers. Our little two pounder grew into a handsome six footer. God bless, and you have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  3. Oh, I can't believe I'm just now seeing this announcement. Mighty, HEART-felt prayers being lifted for wee Logan … and all who love him!

  4. Thinking of you Logan.

    I hope you enjoy your time with your big brothers and that you will all grow in each other's hearts.

  5. Prayers from all of us too. Love the Breakfast Club!
