
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Broken Heart

I have been searching the Scriptures. I wanted answers and God, who is ever patient with me, provides me with His Word.
I am hanging on to this and all of the Scripture I find. Early in the morning of SONday August 4, 2019 our precious great grand boy Alastor Avery was taken from this life. They say SIDS was the cause. It is hard to understand . It is not a good answer. This photo was made by my dear heart friend Joni Kissinger Martines. I am usually good with words. These past days have been terrible. Words do not come to my mind. Yet God places Scripture in front of my eyes.

We had watched this precious boy and his brother on Friday evening. I did not feel well and was tempted to say no when my grandson asked me if I would watch the boys. You see, God always has a plan, and that evening He had a plan for us.
April 13, 2019, this boy was a "Chunky Monkey", and when I said that to him he laughed. He was very fond of Grandfather, because he shared part of his namesake "Avery". He could take or leave me although I could always make him laugh out loud!
April 14, 2019: His passing has left a hole inside our hearts. We join together and love each other harder than we ever have. You never know if this is the last time you will see a loved one or they will see you.
If you look around the world, you will see God really does have a plan . Our world has taken a wrong turn, not just in our country, but everywhere.
Cousin Jaslin enjoying some time with Alastor . He was well loved by all 27 of us in our phamily.
This boy loved this grandfather. Alastor always turned his head to see where he was when he heard his voice.
I try to check in with Tarrah, she is with Logan and he gave us a scare with a high fever. fortunately it broke but we prayed feverishly. I shared this with her and we both agree it applies to everyone. That little one is growing each day and he is a mighty warrior.
For all the outpouring of love with have received thank you.  It is hard to talk with those who care. Not because we don't care about you but simply because this is hard. Just know we appreciate you very much. Belonging to Pam's group, the Shelter:Postmarked has made me realize how important it is to care about others, even those we do not know. Many times I have received cards and notes from people who I was praying for. Nothing makes my day like real old fashioned mail in my mailbox. For many getting something like a card or note is all they have. We should never forget anyone.
I will miss your sweet face, I will miss seeing you splash in the bathtub with your brother. I will miss your beautiful blue eyes and your two tooth grin. You will not be able to go to a baseball game with Grandfather and me . You won't celebrate holidays with all of us and for that I am incredibly sad and my heart is broken. But I do know that you are in the arms of Jesus. He loves all the little children and it is the only real comfort I have.  I know that if I continue to love Jesus and His Father and don't allow things of this wicked world to upset me, I will come join you one day. I have heard heaven is very beautiful. I cherish the day you will give me a grand tour. You see Alastor Avery, my faith is all I have to trust in. Nothing of this world makes sense to me. Rest your little soul in eternal peace. I will see you on the other side. I Love you baby boy. My Chunky Monkey.

Heaven's Rocking Chair

Published: June 2014
Are there rocking chairs in Heaven
where little babies go?
Do the angels hold you closely
and rock you to and fro?

Do they talk silly baby talk
to get a smile or two,
and sing the sleepy lullabies
I used to sing to you?

My heart is aching for you,
my angel child so dear.
You brought such joy into my life
the short time you were here.

I know you're in a happy place
and in God's loving care.
I dream each night I'm rocking you
in Heaven's rocking chair.



  1. Anne, I so sorry to hear of this loss. Such a precious one taken when the world is full with so much hate and sorrow. I definitely feel God's kingdom will be filled with mostly precious children that did not know what sin was. Take care. Time will help.

  2. I am terribly sorry for your loss. Your words of faith and hope are amazing to me. God be with you and all your family at this sad time.

  3. I'm so sorry honey. What a horrible thing. Big healing hugs. ♥

  4. Aw, that's a beautiful gift from Joni. Why, the expression in his eyes is like, "I know … it's all going to be alright."
    Honestly, I've no words to convey my sorrow, to help heal your hearts. If you don't mind my asking, I'm concerned how Harrison is handling this.

  5. We are all so very, very sorry for such a horrible loss for your family, we just can’t imagine. Please know our hearts are with you as those brief but special memories start to heal your hearts. Hugs from all of us.

  6. Dear Anne~I am so very sorry to hear of this moment in life that has brought your family such sadness.
    My prayers will certainly be with you all.

    Your faith is beautiful and strong and that will see you through the days ahead when you find yourself hurting.
    God's arms are strong and He will carry you through this time bringing comfort and peace to your weary soul.
    Rest in His unfailing love that He has for you.

    Sending much love your way~

  7. I am crying right now and wish there was something I could do to help mend your broken heart. I am SO sorry😢. Please know that my heart is with you and your precious phamily. Sending hugs and prayers your way.

  8. Anne, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. The picture your friend made of Alastor is beautiful. I'm sending prayers for you and your family. Hugs, Edna B.

  9. Oh-Anne-I just found out about this. I am so out of the loop. My heart is breaking for you. I think you know that 14 years ago we lost a little grand girl, Anna Bella, due to a mistake at the hospital when she was a baby. My heart still aches for her and I can't write this without tears flowing even after all this time.
    I wish I could say it gets easier but I don't know that it does. That raw physical pain that you feel in your heart does lessen but the thought of that sweet baby stays with you forever. That's a good thing to have those sweet memories. I like to think God takes these perfect children to prevent them from heartaches that happen down the road. They will never know sickness nor pain-only the love of the Lord that surrounds them.
    God bless you. I am sending you a hug across the miles. Love to you- xo Diana
