
Saturday, August 31, 2019


So at long last we have a tiny new baby. He looks bigger in the photos but he is so small and so very sweet. Tiny boy Blake, he is a sweetheart. He arrived late in the evening on August 30. We sure enjoyed meeting him today.
This sweet google image is available or it was on etsy. Whoever the author is, this is very sweet.
I wish I had the talent to create sweet booties like these.
Do you recall the nursery rhyme Lil Boy Blue? Love this vintage image.
In the sheltered simplicity of the first days after a baby is born , one sees again the magical closed circle, the miraculous sense of two people existing only for each other, the tranquil sky reflected on the face of the mother nursing her child. ~Anne Morrow Lindbergh , Gift from the Sea,Chapter IV: Double Sunrise

Thankful Day:
I am joining Kristi for Thankful Day. Here are ten things I am thankful for:

I was shopping in Target one and found this canvas. It had to come home with me. It hangs in our living room and reminds me every day to be grateful and thankful.
We have had so much sadness in August it was nice to wind down the month with new baby boy Blake. Here is something for me to be thankful for, brotherly love. Brody loves his new brother .
Logan just does his own thing. Like doctors saying he could have one bottle everyday. Well, this boy said heck no, I want two. Maybe I will have more. He is topping five pounds and we are all thankful!
Logan is just being Logan! He is such a unique little fellow. That face is extra thankfulness for me.
Thankful for Finn and his funny little self! He is larger than his daddy, weighing in at eleven and one half pounds. The bully Mr. Kitty was bothering him yesterday so he took refuge with me and took a nap! Boy was that fat cat mad!
Laughter really is the best medicine and it is something to be thankful for! Laugh more and stress less! You will be thankful too.
I was a tiny tot when my big sister Pat married in 1956. She has been gone since 2001 but I am thankful everyday that she was my sister. Kind and humble, beautiful and faithful, she was truly one of a kind. her wedding anniversary would have been August 18th and with all the stress of August I wasn't able to post. My sis is enjoying heaven but she will never be forgotten in my heart.

I am thankful for simply things. Like ice cubes to cool you off on a hot summer day.Our ice cube maker was out of commission for a long time. Our son-in-law Zach ordered the part and replaced it. Thankfulness.

I love pretty flowers and I love bees. Thankful for both although without bees we would cease to exist.

You need to be thankful for the life you were given. I am thankful that as I grow older I live life my way not on the terms of what is popular or what others may like.
I love peach tea and in Colorado during the month of August you can find some tasty peaches. Thankful for these simple pleasures. what are you thankful for ?


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed reading all those things for which you are thankful. How exciting to have a new grandchild! What a doll.

    Today I was looking at the crocuses that are in bloom here and was noticing that each blossom had a bee buzzing around in side it.

    What fun to see the old photos. I know it will be a joyful reunion someday when you are able to see your sister again.

  2. Hooray, welcome to the world little Blake, we're so happy you've arrived!

  3. Such a sweet baby. Congratulations! We are done with good peaches in Indiana but at its peak had some of the best from Georgia.

  4. Congratulations!! Adorable babies and happy for new life. Thank you for joining TTOT!

  5. He sure took his time showing up, but he's finally here. So cute. Congratulations honey. I know this a huge blessing for you and your family.

    Have a fabulous and blessed Sunday. Big hug. ♥

  6. Welcome to the TToT! So glad you joined us!
    Congratulations on your grandsons. They remind me of my boys: one was 2 weeks late, and the other was 10 weeks early. The NICU experience can be a bit of a roller-coaster, but it sounds like Logan is doing great!
    Hope to see you again at the TToT!

  7. What a beautiful boy! May he have a truly lovely life. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend and enjoy this sweet time.

  8. CONGRATULATIONS Robinson phamily! Blake is adorable! In that top/right photo, his little face reminds me of his big sis. Love your dress, Anne!

    Wonderful news about warrior Logan. I hope September brings scads of happiness for all!

  9. I'm catching up here and my goodness, a new baby boy! How wonderful! He's such a beautiful little fellow. I wish him much love and luck. It was so good to see a photo of Logan doing so much better. He's a tough little guy, and hopefully he will be able to go home.

    You and I certainly have a lot to be thankful for my friend. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  10. Congratulations! Blake is so precious. Logan is a cutie too.

  11. Congratulations, that is one beautiful child!

  12. Congratulations! I know his arrival makes your heart happy! Both Blake and Logan are beautiful babies!❤
