
Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Yep it is HUMP DAY!
Hanging Lake in Glenwood Canyon. My how times have changed. We get to pay to visit this natural beauty. Welcome to Wordless Wednesday where you know I always have too many words.
God's natural wonders are all around us.
I often think of Job and wonder how he managed to stay true to God even in his darkest hours. What an incredible person he must have been, I often hear people ask the question,if you could sit and talk with anyone dead or alive who would it be? So many choose celebrities. Aside from my loved ones gone ahead of me, I have a list and it consists of biblical people like John the Baptist, Job, Ruth, Paul, David, Hannah, Rachel, list is quite lengthy. But if you asked me about dancing in heaven, well, I have to say Jesus would be my number one choice. Than I would search for Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly. My mom adored Gene Kelly. They are two very famous dancers but they came from the Greatest Generation so they are on my list too.
This was a little humor I wanted to share. This crazy grandparent is waiting for Baby Boy R. to be born. Brody is getting ready to be a big brother and Addy a big sister. She is getting darn good at this job.
This soon to be big brother says Call me! This child is so animated. He is a first class boy. Trust me, he knows how to use that phone along with TV remotes and other tech devices.
These verses are favorites of mine.


  1. I'm with you on who you could sit and talk with. I wouldn't choose a celebrity either.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug, honey. ♥

  2. Happy Wednesday from all of us. Gotta love that silly camel!

  3. Aww! made me smile so cute heheh!

    Have a calltastic week :-)

  4. Ah, what a sweet reverie. As often happens, you've given me much to ponder. {{HUGS}}

  5. The little ones born now are coming into the world knowing how to use a cell phone. Never saw anteing like it. They beat me as I do not have one.

  6. A wonderful Wordless and Wordy Wednesday! My preference would be to sit down at The Almighty's table and ask Him all my questions.

  7. Your grandson is adorable. Congrats that you have another on the way.

  8. I love your Wordless Wednesdays with words:) Sweet little one calling Grandma! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  9. Brody is getting so big. and so smart! It's amazing how thee little ones know more about these tekky gadgets than we do! You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  10. Love the Hippie grandparent! You and i came of age in the years of hippies! The grandkids bought us a license plate frame when we bought our Subaru 2 years ago that says "Mimi and Poppy's Hippy Car" lol. To them anythung like Prius, Subaru, etc are hippy cars lol.
    What is new grandsons name?❤
