
Thursday, October 31, 2019

CHECKING IN is over for another year.  Anyone who knows me knows how much I love the game. But the world Series win was bittersweet for me. I was rooting for the National's, The Astro's had been there before. The National's  used "Baby Shark" as their encouragement. Very bittersweet because baby Alastor did not like a lot of music but if you cranked up Baby Shark he gave you the biggest smile. I am happy for the outcome of the World Series 2019 and will always be saddened about the loss of our sweet great grand boy Alastor Avery.
Hannah and Jake. They left early SONday morning and headed back east. We have a love for Jake who adores our girl Hannah and they are a perfect match.  I had to use her FB photo to share here. I will share more of their story later.
You know I am no good at Wordless Wednesday but here's my favorite friend to wish you well. Happy Hump Day!
There is a bigger story behind the cake which I will share after this weekend. This was clever that Rebekah had this made. We miss our girl but love Jake so we are happy for their happiness together. We had a barbeque this weekend and lots of well wishers came to wish the couple well.
Some running humor, if my knees did not predict the cold weather coming I'd be on the road running too.
I love to share Scripture here.
Two weekend's ago  we were all on the road to Holly and Lamar. It was a wonderful trip with blessings abounding. I will write more later now that I am home and winding down from all the fun festivities.


  1. Lovely, post. looking forward to the back stories!

  2. OMW, I'm so far behind … particularly Hannah and Jake's Love.Story! Bittersweet, I'm sure. Wanting her to be happy, yet her being so far away.

    You know I don't particularly care for the game, but you and Sean (of the South) make me wish I was! I didn't know the Nationals had never been to the World Series. I felt obligated to root for Houston since I spent so many years in Texas; now, I'm glad Washington won.
