
Thursday, October 3, 2019


Can you believe October arrived? It brought some cooler weather and beautiful colorful leaves. I love this google image share.  Thankful for the weather changing.
Stop by and visit Pink Saturday Maxine is right! Get your mammogram ladies! It is very important. Thankful for technology for this dreadful disease.
Snoopy and Charlie Brown and the gang celebrated 69 years together this year. Amazing. Do you watch the holiday specials? We do and we love the cartoon characters. Precious and happy. Thankful for such sweet characters like  Charlie Brown and Snoopy.
Did you celebrate National Coffee Day? We had ACV and Honey in our cups. Karla, my niece, er.... I mean Santa gave me the sLOVEnian cup several years ago. Rebekah bought her dad the hot springs cup on our trip there two years ago. Time flies.... Thankful for your choice of hot or cold beverages.
My girl Hannah is heading to upstate New York and a new adventure. We went to the Colorado Rockies final home game on SONday. It was so hot - mid to high 80's but we loved it. We had fun, we ate, watched the game and even stopped by OneUp to say hi to her friends there. The bartender Tough made us a Gummy Bear shot. I would not drink too many of those, but they taste like my favorite gummy bears! Our Rockies won! It was a good day.
                                                       Thankful for these boys in my life.
Meanwhile, three of my favorite guys were at the Denver Bronco game. They had fun, rode the Bronco bus there which is always fun and cheered for their losing team. Those Broncos can't seem to get out of the losing rut they have been in all month of September long. Jeremy is enjoying his job and being dad to three kiddos. The baby is growing so quickly. Thankful for sports. Thankful for beautiful grandbabies,
This is Brody's baby. He loves him so much. Brody is a full speed, fast track, never slowing down kinda boy. He is one hundred percent pure B O Y ! But when he needs a nap he goes to his brother. This is love at it's finest. Thankful for this and so much more.
Love this image of the Northern skies. Look at all those stars dotted the horizon. Thankful for the beauty all around us.

"He spread out the Northern skies over empty space;
       He suspends the earth over nothing.
   He wraps up the waters in His clouds;
        Yet the clouds do not burst under their weight.
    He covers the face of the full moon;
          spreading His clouds over it.
     He marks out the horizon on the face of the waters.
           for a boundary between light and darkness.
      The pillars of the heaven's quake,
            aghast at His rebuke.
        Job 26: 7-9 and 11-14
I hope you visit and leave some happiness behind. Thor was sad his mom and dad went on a little getaway. He was sad so when I brought out a basket of the clean laundry , he hopped right in. Molly, on the other hand, passed out before the hubby and I finished our rousing hand of Gin Rummy! Thankful for simplicity. Puppies too. Felines as well. Leo at the top of that list.


  1. I love October too. The colors are amazing although we don't get a lot of color. Palm trees are always green. Oh well. I do enjoy the colors that others post.

    I love Maxine. She rocks. I get my mammogram every single year. It's a wise thing to do.

    Love the pup. They do get a bit depressed when their peeps go away for a bit. It's good they are cared for by those that love them.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Honey. Love and hugs. ♥

  2. Loved your post here today, full of fun and joy!
    Your photos are awesome, especially those precious babies sleeping, awe...just too sweet.
    We have so much to thank the Lord for in a daily basis, don't we?
    I love your attitude and your thankful heart, sweet Anne.

    God bless you~

  3. Such wonderful phamily fotos, you are so blessed. WOW, that sky with the northern lights is amazing. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. Great photos. You have a beautiful family. I am thankful for October- I love fall.

  5. Our Female Human said she's thankful to find other Denver Bronco fans! We live in the Inland Northwest and it's considered treasonous to root for any team but the Seahawks!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  6. What an abundance of blessings! Love, love, LOVE that photo of Brody and Blake. I'll bet they grow up being best friends. I don't remember 'celebrating' National Coffee Day, but use 'your' cup each Tuesday and give thanks for your friendship EVERYday.

  7. Great post filled will good feelings and babies:) It' October here too:) BUT... it isn't feeling like it yet! I love all things FALL! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  8. Fall is just so gorgeous in your part of the world.In Texas, just hot, dry and dead trees and plants. Colorado one of the prettiest states. Take care my friend.

  9. I just love all the photos. I just want to give those little doggies a big hug to cheer them up. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  10. Lovely blog post! Cute babies and cute puppy. I havent had any ambition and Carl not feeling well so i havent done anything exciting..

  11. Full of prosperity and abundance. God bless you all.
