
Monday, November 18, 2019


Happiness is such a beautiful gift. You can have it absolutely free from all around you. Hannah and Jake had the cutest little wedding day. They are cool, cute and casual. Although they moved back to New York state, we keep them close to our hearts. So I thought I would share a few photos from their ceremony,
Happiness is a splendid thing. Look for it all around you and in those you know and love best.
"Don't put the key to happiness in someone else's pocket." Anon. Stop by Happy Tuesday and thank Sandee for hosting and everyone who shares, their slice of happiness on Tuesday!
I said in an earlier post, November is a tough month. Lots of happiness, many sorrows. Sweet little Roxanne left us too soon. She left this earth November 3, 2013. We had her, it seems, for just a brief moment. But she brought us happiness and smiles everyday she spent with us. She would love the puppy crew we have today. She would fit right in. Roxanne we will always miss you sweet girl.
"Man is a dog's idea of what God should be. "Holbrook Jackson
Bandit or Mr. Bandito as Jeremy fondly called his dear canine friend. This is a dapper gentleman photo of Bandit. He lived a long and happy life. He was called home 11-08-2018 to the Rainbow Bridge. I like to imagine him running free and without pain. He has joined many sweet phamily pals and it is hard to imagine he is gone over a year too. "Dogs' lives are too short, their only fault, really." Agnes Sligh Turnbull
Rose went to the Rainbow a week ago on SONday 11-10-19. I am guessing she is running with Bandit and Roxanne and all the precious canine and feline phamily she knew on this earth. "what greater gift than the love of a cat." Charles Dickens
This is a google image of a Welsh Corgi. I told you earlier my friend Angela
who use to host "Tuesday Show and Tail lost her sweet Corgi Jazz last week too. She reminded me that perhaps Jazz her doggy and Rose Nick's cat were chasing each other through heaven. It's a sweet image, I will always treasure. My sis, Mary, lost her kitty Gizmo last week too. It hurt her heart especially because the next day her friend Bev that she has known for 34 years passed too. I don't have a photo of Gizmo but he was a long, lean black panther cat. My sister feels sad even though she has two other felines too.
Here is a google image of a sweet black kitty. I will think of all of these loved canine and feline friends and picture them enjoying their new life.
Love is...I have missed posting here. Funny, but sometime I tune in to DIY shows and see many new homes that only have massive showers and no bathtubs. Do you love bubble baths? I prefer both so I always want to have a tub and shower to share.

Happiness comes in many gifts, look around you. Joy comes from God. Have a beautiful day.


I have to start this post with happy thoughts! November is a tough month so here is a S M I L E ! Thor, Loki, Lulu, Finn, Molly and Leo say smile more! Our middle is so patient. She waits for the perfect moment to catch this bunch in a perfect pose! Stop by Sandee's and say Aww......Mondays!
Papa says it best, he was honored to hold a representative of heaven. You would have turned 11 months old today. There will never be a day when we won't think of you with a smile. Your silly laugh and two front teeth! There will be other babies in our phamily, in fact Blake brought us joyfulness in the month you left us for your new heavenly home.But there will never be another Alastor Avery. God had His reasons, which we don't understand. But Papa likes to say it was an honor that you were here so briefly and we all knew a representative of heaven. I like to remember that. The hurt isn't as heartbreaking. Because we know Jesus and we know you are safely tucked away with Him and all the beautiful souls who are joined in your heavenly home.
His words to help us through the difficult days.
If you are hurting today, turn your thoughts to Jesus. He is the great comforter.

Friday, November 15, 2019


This was a favorite photo of Rose. Sitting on the cable receiver, keeping warm. She was a unique feline. Nick begged us to let him get her when he was a child, 5th grade. She saw him through his running years 2005-2017. He was a good keeper of this girl. She was ill once long ago, a UTI, I made a promise to him while he was away at college to not let anything happen to this girl. I kept that promise. She was diagnosed with kidney disease two years ago. Rose kept keeping on. Than she started to fail. About a week ago I awoke to a cat cry. I ran around my house in the middle of the night searching for her. I Had to wake the hubby  and we found her, behind the refrigerator . Let me tell you, she scared us terribly but she was getting a bit senile. We pulled the fridge out and she came to us.
Rose was always ladylike but if you messed with her, she would take you down. If Mister Kitty could talk, I am sure he'd tell you about his wounds she inflicted on him when he thought he could take her on.
Her green eyes would pull you into her private world. She was kind, The day my boy Boots went to the Rainbow Bridge , on her birthday of all days, she was there to make sure he looked his very best as he took that walk to the other side.  She groomed him so carefully, it touches my heart to this very day. I will never forget her kindness toward him in his last hours on this earth.
                                                   March 16, 2005 to November 10, 2019

Rest Easy Chicken Wrangler, We will all miss you so very much.

My friend Angela lost her beautiful canine Jazz on the 11th. We consoled each other over the airwaves. She said Jazz loved nothing more than to chase the cats that came onto our property. I bet, Anne, she is chasing Rose across heaven. comforting words to make me smile. Run free Rose you are enjoying a pain free world today.

Feline Friday

"What greater gift than the love of cat." Charles Dickens, Author (Great Expectations)

Monday, November 4, 2019

Happiness and More

These two are the cutest! Please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Jake Bernard! I thought Hannah was our unconventional kiddo never knowing Jake was out there! Two peas in a pod. One just like the other.
We are so incredibly happy for them. Only sadness is the distance from Colorado to New York state- 1489.6 from our door to their's. 21 hours and 56 minutes away!
It was so casual but so beautiful to see these two commit their love to each other. Rebekah was overjoyed for her sister! Pastor Chris was so kind to be there for them too.  Mom and Dad were there, we only wish Jake could have had his folks along too. But we look forward to meeting them in the very near future.
Jake spent some time with all of us and we had great fun taking him to lots of fun places including Casa Bonita. The kids love that place even as they are no longer young children.

Harrison loved meeting Jake and calls him "Jake from farm". Harrison loves farms, his papa Rob has cattle and goats and such so he associates land with such! This was our Casa Bonita trip.
This has always been great advice for any newly married couple.
Love is so lovely...
It's funny, as I sit here writing this post, Hannah sent me a photo of her wedding rings. Finally sized and ready to wear! Happiness!

We wish our beautiful daughter and her handsome new hubby a wonderful life filled with many good things.  God is so very good, He answers prayers in His time.
Casa Bonita Jail for newlyweds. Hee hee hee!
Who's really guarding who? Hmmmmm.....Finn or Leo? It's my humor and Aw...Mondays post. Say hi to Sandee and everyone too. Thank you for stopping by.

Sunday, November 3, 2019


Humor until I finish the Hannah and Jake story.
My friend Anne in Texas sends the best stuff!
Daylight Savings Time otherwise known has:
True words.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Feline Friday with Pink Saturday and More

Rose always has some serious cattitude! She is an independent feline. I hope you stopped by Sandee's and shared some feline fun for Feline Friday.
Now you know why!

My Breast Cancer Awareness Leggings and my perfectly pink Perfect T. I lost my favorite aunt Ang to breast cancer in 2000. I loved these leggings because they reminded me of her. Stop by Pink Saturday and join the pink goodness today.
Each Thursday Ellen and Lorianne provide Friendly FIll-In questions.

Ellen came up with the first two questions and Lorianne came up with the last two questions.

If you need help, please let either Ellen or Lorianne know.

Here are this weeks questions:
1. I have never__________.
2. I mainly read_________.
3. The beginning of a new month ________.
4. __________makes me feel silly.

Here are my answers:
1. I never read super scary books or articles.
2. I mainly read books that are "feel good" series and some mystery.
3. The beginning of a new month I am grateful for one more day and new beginnings.
4. My grandbabies make me feel silly and young at heart.
A little humor in pink goodness!

A little remind of the greatest of all things. Spread love, please don't spread hate,
Tomorrow, in the words of the late Paul Harvey, I will tell you the rest of the story....regarding Hannah and Jake. Sweet dreams!