
Monday, November 4, 2019

Happiness and More

These two are the cutest! Please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Jake Bernard! I thought Hannah was our unconventional kiddo never knowing Jake was out there! Two peas in a pod. One just like the other.
We are so incredibly happy for them. Only sadness is the distance from Colorado to New York state- 1489.6 from our door to their's. 21 hours and 56 minutes away!
It was so casual but so beautiful to see these two commit their love to each other. Rebekah was overjoyed for her sister! Pastor Chris was so kind to be there for them too.  Mom and Dad were there, we only wish Jake could have had his folks along too. But we look forward to meeting them in the very near future.
Jake spent some time with all of us and we had great fun taking him to lots of fun places including Casa Bonita. The kids love that place even as they are no longer young children.

Harrison loved meeting Jake and calls him "Jake from farm". Harrison loves farms, his papa Rob has cattle and goats and such so he associates land with such! This was our Casa Bonita trip.
This has always been great advice for any newly married couple.
Love is so lovely...
It's funny, as I sit here writing this post, Hannah sent me a photo of her wedding rings. Finally sized and ready to wear! Happiness!

We wish our beautiful daughter and her handsome new hubby a wonderful life filled with many good things.  God is so very good, He answers prayers in His time.
Casa Bonita Jail for newlyweds. Hee hee hee!
Who's really guarding who? Hmmmmm.....Finn or Leo? It's my humor and Aw...Mondays post. Say hi to Sandee and everyone too. Thank you for stopping by.


  1. This post is filled with tons of Awww, and not just the pups. Thank you for sharing your life with the rest of us.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, honey. Big hugs. ♥

  2. Whaaaa?!?!?! *Squeak*
    Hannah is so beautiful. Since Jake's from New York, how on earth did they meet? I love a good Love Story!

  3. Oh my, they look so wonderfully happy and their smiles are contagious!

  4. Love is so lovely, this is a happy post.

  5. So very happy for you all!❤��❤

  6. Sending good wishes for many years of happiness to the newlyweds. I love the doggie photos. Pogo and I guard each other. hahaha. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  7. Love is... Congratulations on their wonderful wedding! I pray that their lives will be filled with love forever and ever! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  8. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Jake Bernard!
    They look so happy together, such a lovely photo of them.
    Sounds like a wonderful day for all.

    Have a beautiful weekend~
