
Saturday, January 11, 2020

Pink Saturday

I love this and needed to share it.So please stop Pink Saturday Someday's you have to just have some fun. I don't work anymore, but I still like to get dressed up when I head out to the grocery store or anywhere.  When our children were small we taught them to value nice things. I use to sell Princess House and we taught them to use the hand blown crystal for everyday use. They loved drinking their juice or milk for a fluted stem. Life is short, so don't sell yourself short.


  1. So true. Even if I stay home, make-up done, jewelry on and dressed as if someone is coming to the door:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. I agree. I have a couple of pretty stemmed goblets that I have an occasional Samuel Adams light in. It tastes so good when I drink it from these glasses. I'm finally learning not to save the good stuff for special days. Every day I wake up is special and calls for something nice. You have a wonderful day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

  3. I needed to read this today! So many estate sales have china cabinets full of 'nice' plates and expensive stemware … that nobody seems to pay any attention to. My mother was so fond of her Fostaria (sp?) glasses and was so sure they were worth $$$ … nope: $20 for a set of 8. Come to think of it, the Waterford wine glasses my boss gave us have never been used.
    Thank you, Anne. Time's a wastin'!
