
Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Wordless Wednesday

It is very hard for me to be wordless. Me and Tea have a long time friendship. This kitten is sweet and I had to share. Stop by Sandee's and say hello.
This new year is starting out with another sadness. My dear friend Suzanne lost her precious husband Steve unexpectedly. I am broken, my heart hurts for her. Please pray for her and her phamily as they go through this heartbreaking journey, Suzanne use to have the blog Colorado Lady and I was sad when she stopped blogging, because, you know, life happens.  But we remained friends and long ago,  I was blessed to meet her and her aunt Lavoice. It was a wonderful time and Suzanne and LV were wonderful friends. This summer when we lost the precious great grand Alastor Avery, Suzanne was an amazing friend. She said she was broken hearted for us and she was patiently waiting for her first born grandchild to be born. She was such a genuine friend. Recently she told me, not a day goes by that she doesn't think of us and pray for us. Please keep her close to your heart while she navigates this new road in her life's journey. It will be difficult, I only know this, because I saw the sadness in my own mother's eyes when we lost my father. It is a difficult, death. We never know when it will come for us. I always want to be ready but I feel frightened and I do not know how people do it, losing such a love of their life, without hitting brick walls. My mother would tell me to pray, so I will. Thank you.


  1. I most certainly will pray for Suzanne, so sad for her. Thank you for visiting me and leaving your sweet comment. You have had that little easel for quite a long time, thanks for keeping me in your thoughts. ALSO, thanks for praying for my Sister. She has had a really rough time since March of 2019. Have a blessed day dear Anne, HUGS!

  2. I'm so sorry your friend Suzanne lost her precious husband. Prayers for her and always prayers for you and yours.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day. Love, hugs and prayers. ♥

  3. I am so sorry to hear about Suzanne's hubby. I'll certainly pray for her. It's a rough time to go through, but we make it. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  4. We don't know Suzanne but that's awful and we all send tons of prayers her way. Sad, sad, sad.

  5. Prayers lifted! Thank you for calling our attention to Suzanne (and) being such a wonderful friend to those whose hearts are breaking.

  6. It is a terrible situation. She certainly appreciates your thoughts and friendship. CHECK HER FACEBOOK.
