
Friday, February 21, 2020

Thankful Thursday Feline Friday Friendly Fill- Ins and Pink Saturday

If you visit Thankful Thursday you can share something your thankful for. I spend my days with this wild bunch plus Leo. So I wanted to share them having a quiet moment minus Leo. I know he is close by as this bunch loves to hang out together. Thankful for their cuteness.
This beautiful getty images reveals the most dazzling green eyes. If you stop by Feline Friday you will see lots of feline friends and family .  Cats are interesting but very mysterious creatures. I have only known one feline, my Boots, who was a perfect gentleman and kind heart. All the other cats I know are terribly ornery.
If you visit Four-legged Furballs and 15andmeowing you will enjoy the company of Lorianne and Ellen. The each contributed to two of the questions for the Friendly Friday Fill-Ins.

Here are this weeks questions:

1.  I am trying to __________________.
2. I always _______________when ____________.
3. ____________has my seal of approval.
4. I would not recommend ___________.

Here are my answers:
1. I am trying to eat healthier and be more physically active.
2. I always use humor when I see someone hurting,sad or needing to share a smile.
3. Conservative thinking has my seal of approval.
4. I would not recommend supporting socialism in our great country.

Visit Pink Saturday and share your favorite things. I love tea and I found this google image to make me smile. It is pretty in pink.


  1. With all those beautiful doggies, I just know you'll have a great day. Hugs, Edna B.

  2. That is such a cute snuggle pile and those were great answers too. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Oh those green eyes. Cats can have the most interesting eyes.

    The pups are adorable. They give us such joy.

    Love your fill-ins. Especially the last two. I'm with you.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Big hug to you, honey and have a great weekend. ♥

  4. Aw, on your adorable furbabies!
    Your fill-ins are great … especially the last two. Agreed!

  5. awesome pile of puppies! Love the pink table too!~

  6. So many cute pups. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Humor is a good thing :) Hope you have a nice weekend. XO

  7. Always trying to eat healthier, too. I just discovered tater tots that are mostly cauliflower and broccoli. I crisp them up in the air fryer and they are delicious. Even better, I found them at the discount store. Yummy makes eating healthy so much easier. Have a great week!
