
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tuesday Show and Tail and Happy Tuesday with Maxine too

Two years ago today these three little cuties came into our lives. Loki and Thor are Rebekah and Zach's. Lulu is my girl. She had come off a long hot ride from Kansas where her breeder lives. She was dirty and smelly and the lady I received this little gift from bathed her. Loki and Thor are not her siblings but they are her best friends. Come visit Happy Tuesday
She cleaned up so sweet and she fell in love with all of us especially her pals Loki and Thor. She has the most beautiful ears all grown up today and mom to her daughter Mollie and son Finn. We never expected her to have any pups. But the vet could not spay her saying she had blood vessels that were too small. All the boys are neutered so we will get the girls spayed sometime this summer when things are not so chaotic. But her children are such a sweet heritage. Even though we never expected it. These photos of these precious pups are a smile maker for Tuesday Show and Tails. I hope Angela starts up the blog hop again soon.
This was my girl after her much needed bath. She was so very tiny. Chihuahua's don't usually have large litters but I wonder if her mom had more then she could handle. Lulu was born in St. Francis , Kansas nearly 200 miles away from us. She is a joy to us and she is a busy girl. The hubby had to work at his office this morning so we shared a bit of our lunch with her, turkey sandwiches. She loves food and treats. She loves walks too although there is no one who enjoys the walks more then Thor. If he hears the word he stands tall at the front door ready to roll. If he sees his harness he goes gaga and can not wait to get outside. Loki is his own kind of pup and he does his own thing. Sometime he is a little lazy like me. So we make the perfect walking partners! " There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face."  Ben Williams
Maxine is my hero during this stay at home time.
This was another favorite cartoon I loved reading in the newspaper.
Have a wonderful day.


  1. Aw, they are all so precious but your girl is the very best.

    I love Maxine. I'm so like her at times.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug honey. ♥

  2. Your gang of little dogs are so cute. I think my Bounce, who weighs 14 pounds, would be the big guy compared to them. You have plenty of walking companions. Bounces loves walks, but is such a polite guy, he waits at the door.

  3. Those sweet little pups are so, so cute! Hey, guess what? We think Maxine is right!!!

  4. Very cute pups. I am with Maxine too. XO

  5. Aw, thanks for spotlighting these pretty babies! … too, for explaining their relationship to one another. I love their names.

    I needed this reminder about being patient!

  6. Such lovely dogs! They are great friends to us and each other.

    That Family Circus comic is perfect.

  7. Your little doggies are beautiful. And I agree that any container is a single serving as long as it can be finished in one sitting. That Bruce cake looks great! Enjoy your evening, hugs, Edna B.

  8. Darling sweet dogs and aren't they just the luckiest dogs to have you and your family in their lives! Have a lovely day every day!
