
Saturday, April 25, 2020

Weekend Thoughts

We are going to work out in the yard today. The sun came up and is shining bright.So we can finish cleaning the flower beds and pulling the nosey little weeds that spring up overnight. I saw this and had to smile. I'm not 6'2" but the hubby is close to it. I am a shrinking Violet. I was always 5'5" now they say I am 5'3". I do all the right things. When I was young, directly out of high school , I worked for the County Treasurer's office. The Deputy County Treasurer under our new boss Lorraine, was Augustine. Our original boss Mary had retired and let me tell you, she was the finest boss for a woman I ever had the privledge to work for. She was gracious and kind. She was tough when it came to getting the work down but she always gave you praise for a job well done. After her retirement Lorraine took over. She was from a big Italian phamily and she loved the Lord front and center. Augustine was her Deputy as Lorraine had once been.  Augustine was married to a fellow who was a native of the country of Italy. He was a prisoner of war from WWII. They had a long and wonderful marriage minus any children. But she loved people and did her job well. She would take all of the young gals aside and makes us do posture exercise.  She was very tall, probably close to 6' and she was regal. She held herself as if she were the authority but never treated anyone that way. She would gently pat your back and say hold yourself high. Head forward, chest out or you will end up with a Dowager's hump. Some of the chesty gals were a bit embarrassed at first, but Augie as she was fondly called, explained that a lady should always act like a lady and be self-assured and confident. I still remember her words that whisper in my ear to stand tall and make sure your back is aligned.
I can't locate photos of these wonderful three ladies but they made my working days easier by their fairness and simple kindnesses, something so rare today in our world. This is the Pueblo County courthouse. It is a beautiful building and I will always be grateful I was given the opportunity to work there.  
This was just too cute to pass on. There are people known for their ability to whisper to bees and get them to cooperate. I don't know that I could "bee" one of them. The precious dog face made me smile out loud. Have a wonderful weekend. 
Please stop by and say hello to Angela and see their cute new puppy. A D O R A B L E ! I hope she will do the Tuesday Show and Tail blog hop! Welcome back Angela.


  1. Aw! Thanks for the shout out! I am going to try to get back to blogging. I enjoyed it so much for many years. Life has a way of getting in the way of things. I now have a little more time since I don't have to go to the store! lol Ugh! Stupid virus! But we have a sweet new puppy to enjoy. She is getting into everything! lol

    Years ago we went to a festival in West Virginia that had one of the bee whisperers. I so wanted to see their show but it was one that was going to be later in the day and we just couldn't stay long enough to watch it. It was a good 3 hour drive back to home. Our daughter was little then. I think we did see the bees though in a glass box of some sort. Back then we didn't have digital cameras so I don't think I would have taken pictures like I do today! lol


  2. Oh, what wonderful memories of your former bosses! If they're still living, do you keep in touch? Goodness, I needed to read this -- to realize not all female bosses are witchy-witches. (Speaking from experience here.)

    OMG, those bees.... I can't even. I don't think they print enough money for me to do that.

    Good for you guys, celebrating Spring by doing yard work. My Tom's inclined, but I just can't get enthused. In fact, until a few years ago I'd get major creeped out my sticking my fingers down in the soil. Mind you, I'm not a 'girly-girl' that way; it's just the sensation. I hope you'll share pictures of your handiwork! Have a beautiful SONday!

  3. I love that photo of the dog. Such a grin! It makes you want to laugh out loud. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  4. Wonderful memories. I tend to hunch because I am 5"10", I need to stand tall. That lady with the bees is very, very brave. :)

  5. A great boss is a jewel in the memory box.
