
Monday, June 1, 2020

Aw...Mondays and More

This was Lily. She was our son-in-law Jake's girl. He had her for fifteen years and she had been a rescue. In her later years she lost her sight but she was a beautiful girl and we were fortunate enough to meet her two weeks ago. She passed away on Friday, May 29, 2020. Jake did everything he could for her. This is a really tough time for him. She was such a good girl. I wanted to share her today with Aw....Mondays and honor her life. She brought a lot of joy to Jake and his phamily. Hannah loved this girl too. While their lives seem so short to us, they know how much joy they bring into our lives. I hope you are running free at the Rainbow Bridge Lily.
I believe these beautiful creatures do wait for us at the Rainbow Bridge. I know you are pain free today Lily.

I will always love Love is.... Kim Casali made me smile with her sweet sketches of these two cuties. My hubby saved everyone I ever gave him. We have them in a box.
This guy fell asleep on the way to his cousin's birthday party. It is a good thing they live 40minutes away. He was refreshed from his nap and he was wearing his shirt to match his new sister that Hannah and Jake sent them.
Had to share a little dog humor.


  1. We're so sorry to hear about dear Lily, it's always so tough to lose a sweetie. We do love that digger dog though.

  2. It's so hard to lose our babies. It will be five years since our Little Bit went to the bridge this coming October. We miss her so. They embed themselves into our hearts and remain there forever.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day, Anne. Big hug. ♥

  3. Speaking just for myself, I don't know there's a worse feeling than losing a fur baby. RIP, sweet Lily. I do believe there's a hereafter akin to Rainbow Bridge. Wasn't it the poet S.A.R.K. who wrote something like, "God created dogs and gave them His own name, just spelled backwards."

  4. It's so sad to hear that Lily has gone to the bridge. She was so beautiful. At least you can take comfort in knowing that your family gave him a good life. You stay safe and have a good day, hugs, Edna B.

  5. Anne,

    I'm sorry your son's pup died. It's so sad to lose a beloved pet. They become like extended family, don't they? Perhaps in time, he'll want to get another little companion. I adore Kim Casali's 'Love is...' series. I read those when I was a teenager, just too stinky cute! The little sleeping fella in the backseat photo reminds me of when ours were small, our youngest at time fell asleep within minutes of us pulling out from my in-laws in southern WV years ago and slept the entire four hour drive home. When we pulled into the driveway, he slowly stirred, stretched a bit, and declared, "Now, that didn't take long! That was the funniest thing. I remember DH and I just chuckling low in the front seat. The dog digging in the backyard meme is a good one. :D Thanks for sharing the humor and for visiting. Have a good afternoon!

  6. It is never easy when we loose a pet, we never have them long enough.

    My philosophy on kid naps was that ten minutes in the car was the equivalent of an hour in the bed, so we would work very hard to keep ours awake so they'd nap after we got them home and we could rest, too.
