
Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Happy Tuesday and More

I love this guy! He is the one person I am most thankful for. I hope you stop by Happy Tuesday My honey makes me happy.
He has a birthday coming up and will add one year to this one.  We are going to have a birthday brunch for him and his sister Lucy. She is born on the 20th and he is born on the 23rd.
Finn reminds me of Scoopy Doo, if he isn't searching for a snack he is looking for a bit of mischief. This is an older photo from 2019 but look at that face, I am wondering where this cool house disappeared to. Hmmmm.....I keep hoping Angela  will join in hosting Tuesday Show and Tails. soon.
Maxine you are a little late! This comic made me think of Chrstian author and missionary Elisabeth Eliot. She never had a passion for fireworks as her father had a missing finger and told his children he lost it by disobeying his parents and losing part of his finger shooting dangerous fireworks. My dad was very careful and as kids he had a huge bucket filled with cold water and the hose ready to go nearby. We danced around the yard with sparklers and we also held Roman Candles. Those were the days. The next morning dad had us clean up all the debris. One year the neighbors across the road were so excited to shoot their fireworks that someone dropped a match into the bag. We saw about a ten minute show of every fireworks they had back then. Dad chuckled and said they shot $50 worth fireworks in a paper bag in less time then he could have turned on the hose to help them out.  It is a memory I will always treasure.
Sparks is the brainchild of Annie and she is currently on hiatus. I try to remember to post a quote to feed some inspiration to others.


  1. That was a good story about the fireworks! Finn is a real cutie. I hope you're husband has a good birthday, I don't think it's today but just in case Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy almost 65 to hubby. I'll be 68 in September.

    Love the firework story. I would have been howling. That's rich.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Anne. Big hug. ♥

  3. Happy Birthday to your hubby! My hubby turned 66 in January. XO

  4. Wishing the birthday celebrants many happy returns of the day.

    Grandpa worked the ER back in the day, and told stories of people coming in with fireworks injuries. No, thank you!

  5. Shouting an early Happy Birthday to your HONEY! Finn is too cute and looks a little mischievous:) Gotta love Maxine, haha! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  6. Happy Birthday month to Avery! I LOVE his grade-school picture so much! Chuckling about what you dad said about firecrackers. I'm not really a fan, and in fact, get more pleasure out of a simple sparkler than the average bear. One of the most popular (and handsome) boys in my high school was totally blind as a result of a firecracker accident gone awry. Happy Hump Day!

  7. July is a busy birthday month here too. Pogo has one of those little hassock houses. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
