
Monday, August 31, 2020

Aw....Mondays and More

Stop by Aw....Mondays and enjoy the funnies and more.
Goodnight kisses are the best. It was so cool last night and sleeping was so easy. I am ready for cooler weather just not going from 95 to -7! Love the best advice.
Humor is always good.
I do and I can't! LOL! Nancy M from Premier Design Jewelry always has some funny stuff to share.
From the first moment we all met this:
Someone turned a whole year old yesterday! Little Brother celebrated with a Spaceship themed birthday bash. He even had his own special cake. Boy did he love the rocket!
So polite with that first bite!
Here is the little sweet phamily Jeremy and Brittany and the three kiddos.

He loved his special cake. That rocket intrigued him and he even tried to share it with others!
This sweet girl is a friend of the phamily and she was such a big helper. Love those red ringlets!
A cupcake for Big Brother.
The kids had a blast in the Spaceship Bouncy Castle. I bet lots of parents had a restful night's sleep after this fun day!
My parents were so beautiful together. The 29th was their wedding anniversary. I miss them both so much but never forget their special days. This was them when dad's sister married and they were the attendants.My cousin Jeannie says she thinks my mom's dress was lavender.

Uncle Louie and Auntie Annie were attendants for my mom and dad.
1978: Mother Cabrini Shrine,  Golden, Colorado. Walking up those 373 steps to the top of the shrine where a 22 foot high statue of Jesus stands. This was a happy trip with my folks. I am always hoping we will stop there soon . Before the cold weather sets in.  "Fortify me with the grace of your Holy Spirit and give your peace to my soul that I May be free from  all  needless anxiety and worry. Help me to desire always that which is pleasing  and acceptable to You so that Your will may be my will. Amen  This was a prayer for peace of mind. It was written by Frances Cabrini

My parents were Catholic and they were true to the Word of God. Today so many betray God by going along with the ways of this wicked world. It is quite sad. You can not love God and deny His words written in the Scriptures. It it  nice to remember the goodness and faithful servants my folks were.  I remembering trekking up those 373 steps with mom and dad. They felt invigorated when we reached the top! A friend had been visiting with me and she came along but refused to climb the stairs citing, I am not a Catholic! I think she would have enjoyed the view up there. But when you get something in your head you don't want to experience something unique and different.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Feline Friday Friendly Fill Ins and Pink Saturday

Welcome to Feline Friday  Please come join the fun. Happy Weekend.
Smarty cat! Some days I think cats and dogs are twice as smart as most people .This one appears to be reading up on the stock market.
Ellen and Lorianne co host Friendly Fill-Ins each week and they each decide on two questions each. Thanks ladies for all your hard work letting everyone enjoy this fun blog hop.

Here are the questions:
1. ____________is a privilege, 

2. I was so embarrassed when ____________.

3. I can't help but smile when I see _____________.

4. ____________has gotten out of hand.

Here are my answers:

1. Freedom is a privilege. I keep praying it is not taken away from us too soon.

2. I was so embarrassed when I lost my job. For a long while, I felt so bitter and hurt. Then I realized it was God closing a door and opening a window so I could breathe.

3. I can't help but smile when I see my hubby. He rolls out of bed cracking a smile, a joke  and lots of silliness.

4. The whole world has gotten out of hand. As a young woman my father would tell me, I would undoubtedly live to see the hatred and backwardness of the world. It makes me so sad that I have to live in this mess. Then I get angry because people are plain ignorant and would rather live under socialism than the freedoms they have been given. But I have to let it go and remember Jesus is coming and I want to go with Him. This world is beyond hope. Jesus has everything to offer and no one in this world can beat eternal life no matter how much money or fame they have.

Please visit Pink Saturday Today was Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day 2020. We have lost some wonderful fur friends through the years:

Bandit was a delightful little rat terrier. He came into our lives in the summer of 2001 which was a particularly bad summer. Lots of losses including Shadow our gypsy spirited part lab. Jeremy was working and going to school, he found this fellow and fell in love. This handsome and dapper dude was born on April 29, 2001. He passed away November 08, 2018. A difficult loss. No words can really express how much we loved him.
Noelle and roger had Trek and than Layla was looking for someone to love her. She went first, heartbreaking loss. Trek followed shortly after the loss of Alastor Avery last summer. These two were comical, they would escape their backyard three doors away from my house and sit on the front porch like little angels til I let them inside. Trek was an uneasy fellow, not a fan of other dogs but he took Layla into his heart and that was their story. He once ate a 5 lb. package of chorizo and bit off a hunk of Colton's birthday cake one year! Repairing that cake was masterful. Jeremy would call Layla Rufus and she was so silly, she would trot over to him. She was a unique boxer.  Always going to miss them. Remarkable how dogs and cats enter your life and then it is better. Until they leave.
Koko was Rebekah's hamster. That silly furball watched cartoons with her after school by sitting on her shoulder. She particularly loved Tom & Jerry. That little hamster brought much joy into our lives. Spats was a gift from Avery's grandpa Blackwell. He had white paws and was a friend forever to my hubby. That dog could eat and grandpa would spoil him before he came home with us by letting him eat a sirloin steak. I did not ride shotgun, this dog did! That is how much he loved my hubby. He fell ill, old age, bad hips, you know, all those terrible things that happen sometimes. But he lived to watch the Denver Bronco's win their first of two Super Bowl's back to back. He was a good friend and like those football players back when men played the game for the love of the sport not political malarkey, he is still missed today. Roxanne, Hannah's "tiny dancer".All three lbs. of the tiny girl were solid love. It is what she had to give. When she fell ill I would cook her boiled chicken and she would watch me, dancing by the stove even though she was suffering terribly. She had been a breeder and when she was no longer useful she was dumped. Markus, Hannah's old beau rescued her and they shared that little girl until death took her away from us. Bonnie and I were the mom's of these kids and we shared custody of Roxanne. She was so unique and my boy Mister Kitty loved Roxanne. He knew how sick she was yet he laid in her bed with her with one paw gently over her. He howled after her passing, it was the saddest thing I ever saw.  Bandit wore his red bandana with pride. He loved getting his nails clipped. Roxanne was quite dramatic she howled like they were clipping her toes off! Then she would run into my arms and give me that sheepish little tug at my heart. My boy Boots, he loved that gypsy dog Shadow too and when he passed away my boy sat in the window for two solid weeks crying for him. They ran around together and it was funny to see a cat and dog running to the lake together. I am pretty sure they must of had a couple of girlfriends over their. Being neutered never stopped them from eyeing the ladies! Boots was my heart. There will never be another like him. My girl Gigi, was the first dog I had that I could care for myself. She was amazing and had a litter of puppies including her daughter Renee d'Orleans Antoinette who was also my girl. LOsing them was so hard. I have so many memories.
My girl Gigi, Boots, Shadow, Spats, Casey, oh he was my heart too. I still think of him today. He saw me through one of the worst times in my life, the loss of Rachel Lee Robinson, our unborn daughter.He would never come on the bed but he would stand there paws up watching me and licking my face when I cried. I am sure that dog saved my life so it was hard to breathe after he disappeared. I know he knew how much I loved him though. Oh Roxanne, she was a precious gift. Mr. Bandito and his handsome face and I can not forget crazy Rascal. That cat gave us a run for our money. After my hubby singlehandly saved her tiny life. She was abandoned too. He did everything to help her live and she repaid us by biting us and terrorizing us. She was a crazy cat but she went to live with my sister and I think being with other cats calmed her down. she was innocent looking but she was a wild girl.

Rest well at the Rainbow Bridge my friends. Someday I believe we will all meet again. Until then enjoy your free range!

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for this kitty. He likes to go out the back door, roll on the warm ground and come back inside. He is a scardy cat so if a dog barks or he hears a strange noise he makes a quick beeline inside. Stop by Thankful Thursday and visit some sweet pets and an assortment of of other thankful things.
I had some really lovely Colorado Columbine earrings from about 40 years ago. One of them broke and I have no idea how to repair it. Made me sad, because I remember buying those when I was mountain shopping with Auntie Ang. I will keep them forever. I found these beautiful Sienna Sky Blue Columbine teardrop earrings. Like my previous pair, they were made in the USA. Actually they were made in Longmont Colorado by a company called Left Hand Designs. They do not sell directly to individuals but several gift shops across the country carry their treasures. The simply stunning design caught my eye plus they are so lightweight. I am learning to move away from the big corporate suit companies and shopping at small businesses. I am thankful for my Colorado home as it has been my lifelong home. I am very proud to be a second generation native although I know someone who is a fifth generation Colorado native. I am thankful for small businesses located in the USA who make a beautiful product.
This kitty is not a happy camper but I am thankful for this photo! I use to work for doctors so I have seen this face when the botox starts to wear off.

Since I am constantly getting a bit older I love humor and I love sharing it. This one cracked me up. I think somehow, we all wish to preserve 8 year old Kevin from Home Alone!
Kids heading off to school again whether remotely or in the actual classroom. This sums up what we should all think of education for our children. Especially history, stop erasing history. change it for the better. But Dr. Seuss, well, he was a master of teaching ! To all the kids and all the teachers, may 2020 turn out to be a productive and great year. Be thankful!
Patsy Clairmont shares the best part of growing old. The hubby and I chuckle while slathering each other with DoTerra Deep Blue Rub and I can not sleep without my Outback Pain Relief. Several years ago I was in the grocery store when my feet just were stuck in place. I leaned into that shopping cart and drug myself home. I found this and I am here to tell you I use it faithfully because whether it is psychology or truly a pain killer, my feet are now happy feet and I am thankful! Do you know if you carry bubbles in your car and you are waiting in a bank drive thru line or take out place and the dreaded USPS, you can blow bubble before and after you complete your transactions?  I guarantee you it will relive stress and make you SMILE!
Twenty years has flown by since Noelle and Roger said their "I do's". Wonderful memories and a fun day with good food, dancing and good people. Many memories.
That serious look a father has giving away his first born daughter.
My tiny mother at the wedding . It was a joyful day. Thinking of so many great memories and loved ones gone since then. " To keep your marriage brimming, with love in the loving cup, whenever you're wrong, admit it, when you're right, Shut Up!"
Happy 20th anniversary to Noelle and Roger. Wishing you many more.  The years go by quickly, enjoy each day while you can. "There is no such cozy combination as man and wife. " Menander
Hoping everyone has a beautiful and blessed day.

Happy Tuesday and More

Come visit Happy Tuesday
Truthful. No need to fact check this one!
This one is perfect for Happy Tuesday as well as a remembrance to Tuesday Show and Tails.
Oh Maxine you are so right on!
The Scriptures are clear about pride. 
I am thankful to be so opposite of this. 
A friend asked us to post a photo of our favorite tea cup. That was a tough one for me. 
I found this one at Georgetown. My state became a state in 1876 and we use to celebrate the first Monday of August.  I still do.
Oh I love this one. I am my own boss at home. 
This one was a gift from a teacup/mug exchange with Stephanie when she use to host them. I miss them.
A World Market tea mug with lid. I LOVE it. Hope you enjoyed seeing some of these tea mugs/cups.