
Thursday, August 27, 2020

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for this kitty. He likes to go out the back door, roll on the warm ground and come back inside. He is a scardy cat so if a dog barks or he hears a strange noise he makes a quick beeline inside. Stop by Thankful Thursday and visit some sweet pets and an assortment of of other thankful things.
I had some really lovely Colorado Columbine earrings from about 40 years ago. One of them broke and I have no idea how to repair it. Made me sad, because I remember buying those when I was mountain shopping with Auntie Ang. I will keep them forever. I found these beautiful Sienna Sky Blue Columbine teardrop earrings. Like my previous pair, they were made in the USA. Actually they were made in Longmont Colorado by a company called Left Hand Designs. They do not sell directly to individuals but several gift shops across the country carry their treasures. The simply stunning design caught my eye plus they are so lightweight. I am learning to move away from the big corporate suit companies and shopping at small businesses. I am thankful for my Colorado home as it has been my lifelong home. I am very proud to be a second generation native although I know someone who is a fifth generation Colorado native. I am thankful for small businesses located in the USA who make a beautiful product.
This kitty is not a happy camper but I am thankful for this photo! I use to work for doctors so I have seen this face when the botox starts to wear off.

Since I am constantly getting a bit older I love humor and I love sharing it. This one cracked me up. I think somehow, we all wish to preserve 8 year old Kevin from Home Alone!
Kids heading off to school again whether remotely or in the actual classroom. This sums up what we should all think of education for our children. Especially history, stop erasing history. change it for the better. But Dr. Seuss, well, he was a master of teaching ! To all the kids and all the teachers, may 2020 turn out to be a productive and great year. Be thankful!
Patsy Clairmont shares the best part of growing old. The hubby and I chuckle while slathering each other with DoTerra Deep Blue Rub and I can not sleep without my Outback Pain Relief. Several years ago I was in the grocery store when my feet just were stuck in place. I leaned into that shopping cart and drug myself home. I found this and I am here to tell you I use it faithfully because whether it is psychology or truly a pain killer, my feet are now happy feet and I am thankful! Do you know if you carry bubbles in your car and you are waiting in a bank drive thru line or take out place and the dreaded USPS, you can blow bubble before and after you complete your transactions?  I guarantee you it will relive stress and make you SMILE!
Twenty years has flown by since Noelle and Roger said their "I do's". Wonderful memories and a fun day with good food, dancing and good people. Many memories.
That serious look a father has giving away his first born daughter.
My tiny mother at the wedding . It was a joyful day. Thinking of so many great memories and loved ones gone since then. " To keep your marriage brimming, with love in the loving cup, whenever you're wrong, admit it, when you're right, Shut Up!"
Happy 20th anniversary to Noelle and Roger. Wishing you many more.  The years go by quickly, enjoy each day while you can. "There is no such cozy combination as man and wife. " Menander
Hoping everyone has a beautiful and blessed day.


  1. Love all the family pictures, but the Botox one made me laugh out loud.

    We have much to be thankful for.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Anne. Big hug. ♥

  2. Excellent thankful post.

    Happy Anniversary to Noelle and Roger!

  3. That kitty of yours sure is a cutie and we love the funnies, they gave us many giggles! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. Happy Anniversary to Noelle and Roger! I'm right there with you about supporting small, made-in-the-USA businesses ... and when I get on, I can totally lose track of time.
    I don't spend much time in drive-throughs anymore, but getting a bottle of bubbles sounds like great entertainment -- both for me and the pups!

  5. Happy 20th Anniversary to Noelle and Roger! (My Granddaughter's middle name is Noelle spelled the same way). The picture with your Mother is PRICELESS! Your kitty is precious and I love those earrings! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  6. Wow. It is so fantastic for us to be here when our children celebrate their twenty, thirty and more wedding anniversaries. We are Blessed my friend. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  7. Your kitty is adorable. Happy Anniversary to Noelle and Roger!
