
Monday, August 3, 2020

Aw... Mondays and More

 Franklin and Leo are so different and yet so much like each other. They both like to lie on the gravel and it seems too hot for me yet they enjoy it. Sometime we have to remind them to get up and move to a cooler area. Please visit
This guy is so fun to watch. He is really a good boy and pays attention to what he can and can not do.
I need to cheer for August! So many wonderful milestones, Jeremy (9), Zach (13), Nick (20) and Blake (30) have birthdays. My folks were married in August (29), so was my sister Pat and Gary (18) and Noelle and Roger (27). My favorite aunt was born in August (19). Two dear friends share their August 20th birthday with Nick, Sharon and Richard. Also cousin Katie. Lots of good summertime memories and of course, the sad loss of Alastor Avery  (4).  We sort of walked through August in a dark haze in 2019. I do not recall much, Brittany had a Mario birthday cake for Jeremy and Blake was born. The days slipped by like long lines at the DMV. It was filled with sadness, there seemed to be no joy, until I found the photo of Alastor with Great Grandfather Avery. It was priceless, we searched, we found dozens of photos of him and even some short videos. His life was so short and it gave us  tremendous J O Y!  Matthew 19:14 "Let the little children come to me. and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  We cried, we laughed, we told stories about him. His presence was felt even after he left us so suddenly. 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. since what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal."  We survived, simply by the grace of God. We were given so much love by those around us, far and near. We started to see a glimmer of light, because Great Grandfather Avery would not let us fall into despair. He championed us, and I, for one, truly listened. He would tell me at least ten times a day, God gifted us an Ambassador of Heaven. He honored us. He was the one holding the glue together while we were falling apart. Revelations 21:4 " He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning, or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. " 
Joni, a dear friend from PA. created this for me just days after his passing. What comfort it gave me. I was stunned by the many acts of kindness toward us in these lonely days following our loss. Isaiah 41:10 " So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous hand."

Cousin Jaslin, how she loved him. Look at his smile.  He loved the other kids and he was always such a happy boy! We will all hold him in our hearts until we see him again. John 14:1-4 "Do not let your hearts be troubles. You believe in God, believe also in me. My father's house has many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you that I am going to be there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you,  I will come back and take you to be with me, that you may also be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going. " 
Alastor Avery, I want to see you again. I miss that smile. I miss your sweet feet I loved to kiss and nibble. I miss your hardy laugh and most of all, your pure soul and innocence. Matthew 5:4 "Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
Until we meet again, at heaven's gate, we need  you to thank God for us, that He reflected kindly on us and gave us a true Ambassador from Heaven , for those short seven months. #foreversevenmonths
Romans 8:18 "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us."
I don't have a star named after me but Alastor Avery does. Before Hannah and Jake married, Jake had researched buying a star for Colton, Jacey and Harrison in Alastor's name. it was a remarkable gift and they were joyful to have received such a pleasant gift.  It was visible in our part of the country at the end of August and was a very fitting gift from Hannah's keeper to our grandson and his little phamily.
Today is a good day to remind myself to be thankful. Very thankful. I am sharing ten things of thankfulness here:
1. Never take those you love for granted. Always be grateful. Be thankful that they exist in your life and you can smile that they are presently here with you.
2. Bright smiles: Alastor Avery had a beautiful, big smile. He would light up the room with his big laugh and two tooth grin.  Thankful I knew that small baby boy for the time that he was given to us.
3. Clean sheets: Thankful to have clean sheets especially those I hang outside on a hot summer day. They dry quickly and smell so fresh and clean. 
4. Oscillating fans: I am thankful for this nifty invention. It helps keep us extra cool on hot summer days. A simple gift of coolness.
5. Popsicles: Oh how we love our popsicles, the hubby and I enjoy a cool pop on these hot summer days. We found banana popsicles which are very old school and we were like to kids in the grocery store skipping to the check out aisle in our silly masks!
6. Infared Heating Pad: This should be a luxury but because the hubby has health flex dollars that he personally saves from his check each month we can buy the things that help us stay healthy like these very nifty heating pad. A twenty minute rest on this heating pad keeps my lower back loose. If you do not have one, I highly recommend it. Thanks to my son-in-law Zach. Between him and our son Jeremy. we keep up with all the latest great inventions to aid us in our journey through life.
7. Crepes: I am getting better every time I make crepes. The secret, I personally feel , is sifting your dry ingredients. I am thankful that I found a great and inexpensive French Crepe pan that turns out terrific little crepes.
8. Summer bounty: Thankful for all the great summer fruits and veggies that are not as delicious in the long winter months.  
9. Dancing: I love to dance and I found the cutest video of a grandson dancing with his grandma through the decades. I told Colton we need to do that together.  That video grandma had the best Macarena and Cotton Eyes Joe dance moves. Thankful to still be moving and feeling mobile.
10. Faith: Most grateful and thankful for my faith. It has sustained me through the most difficult year we have had in a very long time. All the verses I shared here helped me gain a bit of perspective to handle the most difficult loss of a small baby boy from something even the medical profession has no answers for. Thankful to GOD and His graciousness. His free grace and His unending love.
Trying to have a bit of normalcy while we get through this week and remember Alastor Avery on this first anniversary of his passing. I stopped going to the nail salon shortly before the lock down started. I got tired of the high prices and less and less service. I would be frightened to think how it is now! When Hannah came to town she had some extra Color Street press on nails that she put on for me. They do sparkle and shine.
I will catch up on my commenting to you, as I appreciate your friendships here so very much. I am also going to work on the post card exchange. I think I will be able  to do it the way I did several years ago. I will share it on both blogs (here) and my second blog. I will do two giveaways if I have enough participates. You may leave a comment at both blogs if you wish and I will gift a lucky winner with a Colorado Care Package.  You will be able to participate two ways. You can exchange a postcard from where you reside with me or you can simply send a postcard to me. Your choice. When I did this originally I received so many interesting postcards from most of the USA and some other countries too. I will see you soon and have a beautiful and blessed week.


  1. I loved reading your post about Alastor Avery and all the scriptures that have helped you through this difficult time. Your TToT list gave me a few things to do, like maybe get some popsicles. It has been years since I have had one! I might read up on the Infared Heating Pad too. Crepes sound yummy. I haven't fixed those in a long time either.
    BTW I am thankful to still be moving and feeling mobile, although there are days when I don't seem to move anywhere as quickly as I once did. HaHa

  2. Sadly, you and I share something that I wish we didn't share or have in common. The loss of a beloved grandchild. It is life altering and that small, niggling ache in your heart is always there. I don't know how anyone without faith survives the loss if they don't believe there will be a reunion with loved ones someday.
    Hope you have a good week. xo Diana

  3. Pups know what they like and we scratch our heads, but they are fine. Adorable.

    Big healing hugs about Alastor Avery. So sad.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day, Anne. xoxoxo ♥

  4. My heart just breaks for you all. That hurt never goes away. Alastor Avery's memory will remain in your hearts and you WILL see him again on the other side. Sending BIG HUGS and PRAYERS your way my friend!

  5. I'm still a loss to understand how anything so beautiful, so wonderful as Alastor Avery was snatched from your arms. (But never far from your hearts.) Like the lyrics from a favorite song: "There will come an answer, let it be."

    Crepes! Gosh, I've not made one in years but still have the fancy-smantzy pan I bought. I'm going to go look for it this morning and see what develops. (heh-heh). And banana popsicles? Good grief, girl ... now I'm remembering how, while in grade school I loved those. Wouldn't that be a great topic for Martha's Throw-back Thursday?

    xoxoxox to you and your sweet phamily!

  6. Maybe those hot rocks feel good on the doggy spine! Such a nice post. We think about Alastor Avery and that special smile quite often and we didn't even know that sweetie.

  7. Myself and my daughter Kerri each have a star named after us. They were gifts many years ago. My hubby gave me mine for Christmas one year, and my son gave the one for my daughter after she passed on. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  8. My heart aches for you. We still miss our little girl, too.

  9. What a sweet tribute to little Alastor Avery. My condolences to you and your family. Faith does help in such trying circumstances. Thanks for linking up again with the TToT.
