
Monday, August 10, 2020

Happy Tuesday and Tuesday Show and Tails

Happy Tuesday My original photo would not open, so I will send it over to the hubby. He is the expert fixer upper photo guy! Loki is clinging to Finn and Mollie. Those two pups give the dad pup a run for his money although he is a clever little fellow. What would life be without them? I just do not know.
My girl Lulu has her pretty ears down. She is such a beautiful girl and has the most lovely feathered ears. She gives these two brothers the business. They look so innocence. Never be fooled by their cleverness.  They reminded me of Angela's days as host of Tuesday Show and Tails.  Even spelling  T R EA T gets those tails to wagging.
Oh Maxine you know you love your buddy following you around. He is pretty cool too with his boom box and shades. HaHaHa

Even the bible reminds me to be kind to each other.  Monday was not the best day I have had. But I made the best of it. I visited blogs and left comments and received some too. I find no matter how tough life is my mother was one hundred percent right - Give it to God! Pray Harder! She had so many little catch phrases. But the hardest one was when she would say, wait til your father get home! Oh how I adored that man! My father was kind, caring, humble and faithful. I never wanted to disappoint him and I know I must have many times. But he had such a kindness about him. My mother had a heavy hand. You learned to not sass or you would feel the pain to which my father would say, that's what happens when you talk back to your mother! My favorite mom phrase was, whoever told you life was easy lied to you! It is hard so you need to pray harder! I never forgot it and it was always the words she reminded me of even the very last time I spoke with her. My mom was a strong, brave and kind woman.
I was young and thin and my parents were just perfect in my eyes. Mom always had her hair done and she wore dresses most of the time. Dad worked hard and he loved his phamily so his free time was always devoted to my mom. 
I was probably posing for my father. He was my hero and still is to this very day. He had a fourth grade education but he was wiser then anyone I have ever met. He had such beautiful handwriting and he searched the dictionary or encyclopedia for anything new. He never stopped learning. 
You know what I dislike about the whole mask thing. My lipstick. It just doesn't shine when you have to wear a mask. My friend Amanda told me her grandmother told her to always wear your lipstick and comb your hair while waiting for your husband to come home from work. I use to pick the hubby up at his bus but since there are no buses running that he can take, he drives. So I always had my lipstick on and always combed my hair. Sometime people appreciate those little things. I also miss wearing my earrings. I have some cute earrings a friend gifted me that look like macrame and they are blue and very lightweight. But between wearing glasses and getting tangled in the mask it is not worth it. Especially for the stares some folks give.  
This big brother helped his mom clean up the toy area. Problem is he likes to enjoy the toys again so sometime he can not wait to use all the toys again! He likes to spread the love with toys!
This guy is a master of eating! He loves saying MUM MUM MUM meaning bring on the food!
The birthday boy yesterday with his big sister. He had that cute goat cake for his birthday. Brittany's friend did a great job. My son should have been a goat herder! HaHaHa!
Take time today to have a cup of tea or coffee, whichever is your pleasure and enjoy the day. 


  1. Oh my goodness! I just said the same thing to my husband about the mask and lipstick! Great minds and all, grin! Great post, have a wonderful day!

  2. Those pups sure are cuties! You could put your lipstick on the outside of your mask, that would get some fun looks!

  3. Your doggies are beautiful. I don't wear lipstick or earrings anymore so I don't have those problems. It's just me and Pogo and he is not impressed with jewelry and makeup. Now if I were a soft fluffy blanket, he would most definitely be impressed! You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  4. Oh, I can't get enough of your cute pups! Having just spent nearly $500 on their annual vet exam, I can sure empathize with Maxine. (Of course, they're worth every cent.)
    Love when you share bits n' pieces about your parents. That's interesting what you said about your father's handwriting. Makes me smile, remembering mine like it was yesterday. That's an adorable pose you're striking in the black-and-white photo.
    Hahaha about the masks and lipstick and earrings. I gave up wearing my own earrings when this mess first started. I'd better go check to make sure they've not grown closed! Have a beautiful day, dear lady!

  5. Aw on all the pups and your wonderful family. Always makes me smile.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Anne. Big hug. ♥

  6. All 3 pups are adorable. Nice to hear about your folks. XO

  7. Funny, I always put my lipstick on and then slap a mask on. I still do it, even though nobody will see it:) Did I miss the goat cake? Sounds very interesting. Happy Birthday to your SON! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  8. Cute pups, and what a great tribute to your parents!
