
Monday, October 12, 2020



I posted this about 8 years ago. I was at Jack and Sherry's blog and bad language and manners came together. I remembered this quote and had to re-share it here. I think most parents need to take their nose out of their phone and pay more attention to the kids. As a kid, I had to write thank you letters for gifts received. We knew our place when adults were talking and most importantly we used respect when speaking. Please and Thank You were common place. Manners seems to be a a thing of the past. But honestly when I see it I am so impressed that a parent took the time to teach their child. It is very refreshing in this mixed up crazy world without rules where right is becoming wrong and wrong is celebrated! Grateful to have had manner taught to me and hoping each of our children will pass it down to their kids. I love when the littles say sweet things, I know they are being taught well.

This child is her daddy's darling! She is so happy when he is with her. Always giving him a big smile. They visited Niagara Falls today. Stop by Happy Tuesday and share your happiness.

These colorful parrots are perfect for a memory of Tuesday Show and Tails. I Love seeing Angela blogging about Josie ( their Corgi)her phamily and the ancestry research she has done for a number of years. Welcome back Angela!

Maxine is so terribly ornery! She gets with the latest trends and look out!

Stay happy and enjoy the week.


  1. I am a firm believer in Proverbs 22:6...I always laugh at Maxine--because it is written by a man, LOLOL.

  2. I loe the quote by Astaire, and so long ago too. BUT the most beautiful picture is a daddy and his daughter, BEAUTIFUL!
    Oh yes it is easy to look back on childhood when manners and respect were taught. because it was a solid thing and expected.
    Enjoyed the visit. Sending love from Florida and hoping you have a great day.
    Sherry & jack, feeling fall in Florida.

  3. Manners are so important and you're right many don't have a clue what manners are. I'm impressed when I see good manners too. There are some great parents out there that are teaching their children manners.

    I love Maxine. She's so me.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug, honey. ♥

  4. I agree with you about good manners. It seems to be a rare thing today. At least most of the kids in my family practice good manners. That Maxine, she reminds me of me. Such an ornery old gal. (thankfully, not always.) You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  5. Manners were a must when our Dad and Mom grew up and it's still in practice here today!

  6. It sounds like our parents lived by the same values! Sometimes it sounds like I'm making a point using a too-wide paint brush, but I've witnessed more manners exhibited here in the South than other parts of the country. When my granddaughters were small my son and DIL made sure they addressed all adults as 'ma'am' and 'sir.' (That fell by the wayside in their teens, LOL.)

    Like I said before, I think it's precious how Harrison calls you, 'Grandmother.'

  7. Maxine always makes me laugh! And YES manners are taught by example!

  8. You can see how much she loves her Daddy! I think one of the problems with manners is cell phones! People are on them when they should be paying attention to others. I see people on them even during church sermons!

  9. I agree. It makes me so sad when I see kids out with their folks and they are busy looking at their phones instead of interacting with their kids. No soccer this year, but last year I can remember being annoyed that people weren't even watching their kids play soccer. A big pet peeve of mine. XO

  10. It has always been a matter of parents choosing to teach the children, and some will, and sadly, some won't.

    Lovely daddy/daughter pic!

  11. I'm always pleased to see thank yous from younger relatives, but sadly they seem to be few and far apart. I'd be happy with a Facebook message. I think it will be a loss for them moving forward. Take good care.
