
Friday, October 30, 2020

Pink Saturday


Since our oldest girl is visiting our youngest daughter in Western NY we did not get to snap a photo of us in our LuLaRoe Breast Cancer Awareness matching outfits. Noelle bought me the Amber and I bought us the matching leggings. Next week, God willing, I will post a photo of us together.

Going to miss the little ones who came trick or treating in past years. It is very different this year. I decided a long time ago,  my salvation is in the hands of the one who died for me. I do not have much faith in people. especially people who claim to have the answers but only after the 2020 Election year. 

I know courageous people who fought the cancer battle. Some won, some lost. Being courageous is something each one of them had. Please pray for a cure. Pink Saturday is open so stop by and say hello. 



  1. We're not having trick or treaters here either, it's just safer that way. Happy Halloween anyways!

  2. Indeed, cancer research needs all the help it can get. I bet everyone knows or loves someone with cancer.

  3. Lord, please heal our land ... and all those fighting the Good Fight. I look forward to seeing you and your girl's photo!

  4. We never get trick or treaters out here in the country, but I did go see my great nieces in their costumes. Happy Halloween! XO
