
Thursday, October 15, 2020



 Don't be a follower. At least not for anything of this world. This goat made me laugh out loud. Lots going on and not much else to say right now. Hope you got a kick out of this goat. I am thankful I found this to share!

Thankful this pro traveler had a good trip and a great visit with Hannah and Jake. He has more flight time then I do! He's four! He carries on his own bag and everything.  Thankful they are home and safe and sound. 

Mom and tiny girl were all getting ready to hop on a plane and come home.  Hannah did not snap a photo of Colton in the airport but she did in the truck:Thankful

Editing took away some of the photo. I am not a pro at any of this, I just love blogging. Thankful

Thankful this guy, Leo watches over the smaller pups. He is not as quick as he once was but he sure loves the little pups. Very thankful he came to us and we are giving him a good life and lots of room to roam. Our backyard is huge. He has had lots of room to roam.  Please visit Thankful Thursday

My thoughts are always with Annie from McGuffy's Reader when I find the best quotes to share. John Wooden was an amazing man. Read up about him, he was a great guy and you will learn lots if you don;t already know who he was.
Finally, thankful for my heritage.


  1. Good grief, that child has more travel time than I do, smiles. Have a beautiful day friend.

  2. What fun travel photos. I think the little guy's mask is a tad bit big for him. hahaha. I love the face shield on the baby. Dogs are awesome caretakers. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  3. Awwww! Harrison looks like a walking advertisement for air travel in the Age of Covid. That's a great face shield Shea's sporting; isn't it neat how manufacturers rise to meet the public's needs!

    I'd quite forgotten about John Wooden; my former hubby was a real fan.

  4. Love the goat. It made me smile.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. I love the photos of the little travelers, so sweet!

  6. He sure does look like a pro traveler. So cute too. XO

  7. What a beautiful family, i am glad they had a good time.
