
Monday, December 14, 2020



These two fellows had a February birthday so this is their official birthday shot. They are sweet boys and  good manners. Loki and Thor are gentleman. Finn is still in the puppy stage and Lulu she is such a greedy little girl. Always trying to steal food and she is quite successful. Mollie is a food bandit too. Please visit Aw...Mondays

 We are in the deep freeze with more snow headed our way and more cold temps. Someone tell Elsa she can have the snow. Please! Thank you!

I will be around catching up. I never seem to do it. But I blame this holiday season as it is one that is especially important to me. So I plan to comment tomorrow and stop by each day until I catch up. Thank you all for hanging in there with me. 

Thank you all for being here.


  1. They are adorable. Bundle up and stay warm!

  2. They really are the sweetest! I'm stopping by to give you some HOLIDAY HUGS, Diane

  3. Awww, the pups are adorable and yes they love the food. They are worth everything to have around.

    I hope you get caught up some. This is a busy time of year.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day, honey. Scritches to the pups and a hug to you. ♥

  4. SO CUTE:) I am busy doing so many things and having trouble getting around to catch up with everyone. TIME, there just doesn't seem to be enough of it. Enjoy your snowy day dear friend, HUGS!

  5. Your little dogs are so beautiful. I love the expressions on their faces. Don't worry about catching up. We're all sort of in the same boat, and we'll all be here when you get here. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  6. Love this birthday shot! Maybe it's the way in which they're laying, but they look so identical. How do y'all tell them apart?

  7. They are such cuties. We are expecting 8-12 inches of snow tomorrow. I like snow, but that is too much.

  8. Such precious pups! Please don't feel like you have to catch up on my posts, just pick up with the latest. The fact is, i live behind the eight ball, so i understand.
