
Monday, December 21, 2020

Nick is H O M E


April 11, 2018, Coors Field, a Colorado Rockies game. We always had so much fun. Nick use to have different days off when he worked for amazon we loved to go to the ball games. We both miss those days.

It was a long weekend and today Nick was released from the hospital. Well the on going debate continues the specialists want him to get rest and get well. He was very pleased with his care and gave a shout out to all medical personnel, doctors, nurses and other staff for helping him through this difficult time.  He came home with some oxygen so he can rebuilt his strength and taking something for that cough. His appetite is better and he looks forward to CHRISTmas. I am glad I am prepared for the big day in more ways than one. The kids, Rebekah and Zach have a turkey ready to roast and all the fixings for a nice meal. 

Zach and Rebekah bought the live stream of the Tran's Siberian Orchestra. They were able to watch it Saturday live on TV but we were able to watch with them later that evening. It is one of the best performances ever and have grown to love them so much. Being there in person was so unique because we always had these great seats where we could live the flames of fires and watching all the performances of each individual singer and musician. They continue to honor Paul O'Neill who brought it all to life. Paul knew how sick he was and had his entire family at the 2016 performance. Although he passed away too young, in 2017, his legacy lives on and TSO is one of the rare CHRISTmas program still honoring God. I'm not much for the parade and all the anti-Christian stuff that is put out today. Christmas is the celebration of Jesus and His birth. I won't stop celebrating Him.  It is nice to see their music is still filled with such beautiful and eloquent praise.

Thank you for comments and thank you for friendships and thank you for prayers. We all appreciate each and every one of you. May God richly bless you.


  1. That's awesome news. So glad he is home for Christmas. TSO is pretty awesome. I've never seen them in person but have heard recordings.

  2. Fabulous news, Anne. This post made me smile.

    Have a blessed day. Big hugs. ♥

  3. Doing a Happy Snoopy Dance for Nick, nose up, feet moving!!!

  4. Such awesome news that Nick is home. Here's wishing him a speedy recovery. It's a merry Christmas. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  5. Fabulous news! Our God is sooooo good!

  6. That is wonderful news about Nick. XO
