
Friday, January 15, 2021

Charlie Chaplin


Charlie Chaplin lived 88 years

He left us 4 statements:


(1) Nothing is forever in this world, not even our problems.


(2) I love walking in the rain because no one can see my tears.


(3) The most lost day in life is the day we don't laugh.


(4) Six best doctors in the world:


1. The sun

2. Rest

3. Exercise

4. Diet

5. Self-respect

6. Friends


Stick to them at all stages of your life and enjoy a healthy life.


If you see the moon, you will see the beauty of God.

If you see the sun, you will see the power of God.

If you see a mirror, you will see God's best creation. So believe it.


We are all tourists, God is our travel agent who has already identified 

our routes, bookings and destinations... trust Him and enjoy life.


Life is just a journey...Therefore, live today!

Tomorrow may never be.

I was grateful to my friend Lyn who shared this with me.  There is so much truth in what is written here.  I Love the take on the six best doctors.  Probably the best thing I have seen lately. Nothing like positive things to keep your spirits up. Stay healthy, Be happy and  keep being encouraged. The world will beat you down. turn on a TV or even a radio. If it does not scared you, make you angry or hurt your feelings, you would have to be dead unless you know there is power in being an encouraging light in the darkness we are going to live through. Some didn't like when I Posted my Scripture, at social media. Plus social media hated it. So I left there and decided I could say what I want here. I may not be the most popular blogger anyone ever knew, but I am truthful, I am honest and I always try to be encouraging.  

I started my first blog to talk about Tinkerbell, a little dog Rebekah had for 14 years. She was a rescue and my friend Barb enocouraged me to blog. I started out slow but made so many wonderful friends, some who are still here and some who left. Later my cousin Mike B. told me to blog about our heritage, our childhood or life long ago. I did that for a long while and realized this blogging stuff was great. It was an open book of my life. 

My faith will always be number one for me. I have lived through difficult days, tough times, health issues, financial disaster. I learned only one person could steer me through those rough waters, that was God. He has never let me down. I am grateful for knowing Him even today in difficut times when being a Christian is unpopular. 

I am grateful to those who helped me launch my blogging experience.  I will always love it as long as I can find something to share and I will continue to joining blog hops. If I can get to a point where I can visit daily instead of having to visit one blogger at a time I will be better. I am working on it. On that note:

Tarrah may go home by the first of the week. Ella is growing and getting stronger and she was able to be held my her mom too. It was a major accomplishment because Tarrah has had so much going on. Grateful for all the prayers and thankful that both of them are getting stronger each day. Blessed to have eveyrone here in my life. 

I hope your weekend is wonderful and you enjoy your time with those you love best. Nick returns to work Monday and he said they will receive holiday pay although they must work. Avery, Rebekah and Zach will be off for the MLK Jr. holiday. One thing I know is 100 percent truth about MLK Jr., he was never filled wiht hatred. Not the kind we see today so Monday will be a great day to stay away from any social media sites. Many will post MLK Jr. quotes andtalk about him when they do not know the real reason why he lived and died the way he did.  He would be terribly sad to see what is happening in 2021. It is truly tragic. He was an icon striving for better relations with all mankind, not just your group or their group but all people of all race, color, creed.  If many people would know the true history of MLK Jr. they would not be filled with hatred.

Enjoy the weekend.  Join me in honoring what MLK Jr. stood for. It was not violence and hatred. He stood for tolerance and love and kindness. I see all of that in blog world, I do not see it too many other places.  Tomorrow I have a little story to share about a kindess someone gifted me.  Everyday I look for a kindness no matter how small to share. I keep them so I May share them especially when times are difficult or I feel like this world is hopeless. Currently, it is not and I thank God for that. Sweet Dreams and restful nights, those are two wonderful things. Enjoy your sleep!



  1. Love the 4 statements by Charlie Chaplin and all the positive quotes.
    I had one other blog before the one I have now. I've tried to stick with one subject but it turns out I'm not very good at that. I like to post whatever is going through my head at the time

  2. Charlie was really wise, we like those!

  3. I really, really like these Chaplin statements, and the following 3 paragraphs. (Not sure if he said that, or Lynn.) Anyway, I've copied and pasted this to my journal.
    Thank you ... and please ignore the trolls who cast shade on your social media.

  4. Carlie Chaplin was a philosopher, these are wonderful quotes! The world is so sorrowful now, who knew how many evil people who are filled with hate there are? I used to think that most people are basically good, but the bible never says that of course.

  5. Charlie Chaplin was a wise man. Great post. I am so glad I found your blogs as your posts always brighten my day. XO

  6. These are good lessons, i think we can all learn from them.

  7. We loved all of these! Have a marvellously Happy Day!
