
Monday, January 25, 2021

Happy Tuesday and Tuesday Show And Tails


A friend sent this a while back. I had to share it here. Missing Angela hosting Tuesday Show & Tails. This cat has a serious attitude about those dogs!

Here is an excellent list to stay happy!
1. Be Kind
2. Work Hard
3. Stay Humble
4. Smile Often
5. Stay Loyal
6. Keep Honest
7. Never Stop Learning
8. Be Thankful, Always
9. Love
10. Be Truthful

So on this Tuesday I wish you happiness. I love this list and I particularly love # 5 and #6 because they are sorely overlooked in today's world. Loyalty is wanning and honesty has been replaced everywhere it seems, by dishonesty. I choose to remain happy, this is a list most everyone should follow.Please visit Happy Tuesday

Oh Maxine, I am shocked! I thought you of all people, would be a healthy eater. HaHaHa Love Maxine!


  1. This is a good list! And a rascal of a kitty as well!

  2. Oh that cat is funny. Good list too. Just love that Maxine

  3. Of course that kitty let the dogs out. Cute.

    I love that list and it's ever so true. Easy to do too.

    You know how I love Maxine. I don't even need the junk food. Just saying.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  4. I absolutely Maxine's comment. I totally agree with her. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  5. Wonderful list! I totally agree with your thoughts on honesty. In that vein, you might enjoy what I posted on FB. (Stolen from Jon at Lone Wolf Concerto.)
    Love you!

  6. That's a wonderful list! Maxine always makes a lot of sense!

  7. We LOVE them all! Especially the Cat letting the dog out! Sounds like something I, Marvelous, would do! Have a marvellously Happy Day!

  8. What a rascally cat! Love your list! Especially #5 and #6......woefully forgotten by too many people for sure! Have a lovely day every day!

  9. That is a great list. And that kitty is adorable. XO

  10. Wonderful list, and yes, Maxine is a hoot.
