
Monday, January 4, 2021

Monday NIght Blues

 Monday was a blue day. Lots of reasons, my mom's heavenly birthday and a random story about an old guy who called me Forest Gump! I have a crick in my neck and well, I do not want ot be negative, so I am going to get a goodnight's rest and be back tomorrow. 

Nick is well on his way to being good as new. Tarrah and Ella are holding their own and prayers are so welcome. I will be back with stories to tell.

Thankful to be here. Grateful to know all of you and blessed with the best blog friends a girl can have!

Sweet dreams! Rest well my friends and see you soon.


  1. Some days are just like that. I'm sorry you had one. I hope today is a better day.

  2. I sure hope today is a better day and everyone feels good! Take care my friend! Hugs!

  3. Prayers all around and a big hug to you honey. ♥

  4. You have had a lot of stress lately. I hope you feel better soon. XO

  5. Praying you got good rest and are feeling better now.
