
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Wordless Wednesday


Wordless Wednesday

The drain was placed in Ella's head today to release the pressure and fluid build-up from her brain bleed. She did great and is slowly waking up since she had to be completely put under. They took a good amount of fluid and this should help her move forward. She is now over her birth weight at a whole 2 lbs. 12 oz.!! Tarrah says it is so hard not being with her but so great to sell her growing. She has comea long way in the past two weeks. She can not wait to snuggle this swett little girl.!

Tarrah is still in ICU. Praying she will downgraded to a regular room soon so she may see Ella in person.

Thank you for the comments, the prayers and thank you for just being here. God is so good sending so many good people to us. I Look forward to the day to snuggle this little girl, longafter her mom and dad have had a good fill of her and could use a break, maybe five minutes? Thank you again.

"Treat people the same way you want them to treat you. " Luke 6:31

Sweet dreams, goodnight and God Bless You!


  1. She's a fighter, that sweet little one. Glad to hear the forward progress.

  2. We sure hope that precious little one continues to have the strength to fight and grow. She is amazing!

  3. That poor sweet baby. I send a prayer for her recovery.

  4. I continue to pray for this little sweetheart and her Parents. I know it is hard but just keep the faith that each day moves them one step further toward being together. Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

  5. I'll keep this precious baby in my prayers. And how wonderful that they can do things to help them get a good start in life. Sweet hugs!

  6. Ella is doing better and better. I'm happy about that. This reminds me of my great grands. They had all kinds of issues when they were born and now they are thriving. Ella will too.

    Prayers continue.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love, prayers and hugs. ♥

  7. Prayers to Tarrah and sweet Ella from all of us.

  8. Such a sweet baby. Praying some day you can show her this photo and explain to her how far she has come. XO

  9. Oh my gosh- such a tiny little fighter. Our best to you and all the family.

  10. Sending prayers to Tarrah and Ella. God bless you all.
