
Friday, March 12, 2021

Feline Friday


These words touched me to my very core. I don't think people realize soemtime that even through smiling faces or laughter others are hurting. My heart hurt for a blog friend who lost three siblings each in a blink of the eye. I wish I had her strength to try to carry on. LIfe is hard, my mother would say to me, pray harder.

I wish I was given the talent of writing such a sweet poem. I wish my cat, a big orange tabby, would pose for such a precious  photo. I hope you will visit Feline Friday


  1. Our cat is an orange tabby, too! I love the poem, and it is so true!

  2. Oh the poem is so purrfect. Cats are such wonderful companions. Pups too. They bring us such joy.

    I'm sorry for your friend and their horrible losses. They are in my prayers.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a blessed day and weekend, Anne. Stay safe and warm. ♥

  3. Purrrr-fect poem! I'm copying and sending my BF right now.
    Lifting prayers today for all who are hurting. God knows the details. 💛

  4. Beautiful words. Hugs to your friend from all of us.

  5. It's quite true. We never know much someone is hurting just by looking at their face or behavior. Just one more reason why kindness to others is so very important. That's a lovely poem. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  6. Great poem and beautiful kitty. XO

  7. A wonderful sentiment, cats have so much to give us.
