
Saturday, March 6, 2021


 Attempting  to post something simple. Going to get a good night's rest and pray for a good tomorrow. Our son Jeremy and Brittany have moved and now have the task of setting up their new home.We just need to regain our strength after a fun filled day of Blake and his big brother Brody.

This isone extremely busy boy. He is brave, he is fearless, he is fun. You need a nice long nap after he visits. But the joy of his presence is too good to pass on. 

This is one atheltic kid. He loves shooting baskets, kicking soccer balls and since we couldn't find the baseball, he used a mini basketball to practice his baseball skills. He is kind and funny and smart. His presence is joyful for us and we always enjoy the company we get to keep. 


PHAMILY, I repeat it often but it is number one for us. 1 Roger 2 Brittany 3 Zach 4 Jake 5 Alex 6 Tarrah 7 Jacey

MILD WEATHER, I will take as many days of it as I get

CHILDREN, grateful to have them and enjoy their presence. Each child we have has unique gifts and I love to remember that. 1 Noelle 2 Jeremy 3 Rebekah 4 Hannah 5 Nick

GRAND LITTLES, thankful for these extra bonuses in life. I think GOD really had a specific plan creating children, children, grandchildren  1 CHristal 2 Andrew 3 Colton 4 Addy 5 Brody 6 Blake and 

GREAT GRANDS, This is like getting triple bonuses. 1 Jaslin 2 Alexis 3 Devin 4 Jayden 5 Michael 6 Harrison 7 Benjamin 8 Alastor Avery 9 Logan 10 Shea 11 Ella


Grandchildren are the crown of old men, And the glory of sons is their father.


“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”


  1. Such fun photos of the wee ones! Enjoy your rest time!!!

  2. Oh, you have great grandchildren! You are very blessed!

  3. He's such a beautiful busy little boy. You are definitely blessed. Enjoy your day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

  4. You are so blessed, indeed! Beautiful people and beautiful names, too.

  5. Such cuties. Wonderful thankful list. XO

  6. Awww, you have a fabulous phamily!
