
Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Thankful Thursday


Avery Bear is watching over Mister Kitty as he rested near the Love pillow and the burlap pillow , which he loves that says Just remember, as far as anyone knows, we are just a nice, nornaml family. HaHaHa....

My big boy was resting because it was snowing outside and it was in the 20's. We both enjoyed some luxury time lounging about. I told him, he wasn't the only one who knew how to take a nap. Thankful for such a feline friend to rest with. 

I found some beautiful strawberries at the store and a small angel food cake.  Fresh Strawberry shortcake was served for dessert. Someday I will master the angel food cake. My mother-in-law Rita could make an angel food cake as light as a feather and delicious. Auntie Ang also whipped up angel food cakes like a dream too. But she was very decadent. She cut her angel food cake in half and smothered the between layer with chocolate mousse. Sigh... Thankful those amazing ladies were in my life. 

Since it was so cold, Rebekah already made BLT's for dinner Monday night. She baked two mini and two large loaves of French bread. Avery and I made a batch of Potato Cheese Soup Tuesday evening. We had it tonight too. Thankful for these comfort foods and cozy meals.

I hope you will enjoy your night, rest well and have a pleasant Thursday with lots of sunshine. I pray for it everyday. 


  1. I have never made angel food cake, the egg white whipping is too overwhelming for me! Such an adorable shot of kitty curled up beside the bear! I bet they are good friends.

  2. Those are nice thankfuls and Mister Kitty is such a cool dude. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Mr. Kitty looks so peaceful. I love angel food cake. That strawberry shortcake sounds delicious. Yum, yum! You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edma B.

  4. Strawberry shortcake is so very good. I've never had it when it was snowing out though. That's a new twist. Love your comfort food. When it's cold comfort food is the very best.

    As on the kitty. It's good to have a napping pal.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Anne. Big hugs. ♥

  5. That soup sounds amazingly good! I'm making something called "Chicken de-tox soup" in the Instant Pot now. Tom's all the time making fun of the name; says, 'People are going to think we're drug addicts.' (LOL)

    I love that bear's sign!

  6. It sounds like a week that needs naps and soup. Hope you are having a wonderful Thursday!

  7. Mister Kitty is so cute. That homemade bread and soup sounds good. It was in the 20's here last night too. XO
