
Sunday, May 16, 2021


 I know many of you so graciously stop by and leave your comments knew I was under the weather with food poisoning.  It was awful but I am much better and we just spent an entire 8 days with Hannah and Jake. Our baby girl and her hubby came here for Mother's Day. They drove 22 hours in their RV and we enjoyed wonderful memory making moments with them. If my father were in this world still, he would be so very proud of me. He always told me, don't invite anyone to your home unless you can offer them a cold or hot beverage or a meal.  My older middle brother Ed came to our home years ago, peeked inside our pantry and said, "you are our mother's daughter!" 

Our first born girl Noelle and I on Mother's Day 2021. Jeremy, our first born son and his beautiful wife Brittany hosted a brunch in their new home. We were all together except our son-in-law Zach (Rebekah's hubby) who spent his day with his mom. He is a good man.  We had so much food, bacon and eggs, bagels, toast, stuffed French Toast and Cracker Barrel style cheesy hash brown with and without ham.   We had Rebekah's famous pasta salad and lots of great memories. Rebekah created a "MOMosa" Bar.  We ate, drank yummy drinks and enjoyed the company of some of  our grands and two of our great grands.

Those of you who know "the Mean Mugger" a/k/a Shea Shea or formally known as Shea Avery Marie . You know she is her own person. This lil lady turns 1 in three days. She is a fashion diva but set a long and steep staircase in front of her and she will scurry as fast as those chubby legs will carry her up the stairs. She knows no fear, smiles the biggest and brightest smiles she can make and she will mean mug you if she is not interested in you telling her the dirty word " N O "! She loves big brother Harrison but she is the spitting image of her "Angel" brother Alastor Avery. She is a daddy's girl and will steal your heart. Our grand boy Brody loves this child and he is not afraid to tell the whole world!

Hannah and Harrison spent a quiet moment while Brody looked on. What a terrific day we had. I kept thinking how proud my folks would have been to see us all together. A joyful day. Filled with blessings and good moments.

This big brother jumped off a cliff into the deep water in Mexico where he vacationed with his granmmies Lisa and Carolyn. Fearless and kind he is showing Duke, Jeremy and Brittany's pup some love on those long stairs up to the second level of their new home. Sharing with Aw...Mondays

Anyone who knows me well knows I do not go along with the wicked ways of this ole world. I am not going to be political.  I steer away from social media for that very reason but I found this quiz. It is generalized but my lifelong friend Carole (another good BoJon girl) shared this one having just lost her mom in late 2020. I took the quiz and came up with this answer. It was perfect. My parents demanded respect from all of us. My father was the kindest, most quiet, wonderful man. He worked 47 years in the CF and I Steeel Corp. But he made sure we were respectful and kind to all we encoutered. So unless you were raised without regard for others, you should have a common, basic courtesy of being a decent human being around others. Having attended Catholic school from k to 11 I made sure to mind. No one ever wanted to be in the path of Sister of Beatrice or Sister Zavier while they were swinging their yardstick! Worse yet, the metal edged ruler. Yet none of us ever had the desire to harm anyone else or commit a crime. I am extremely grateful for the education I had in parochial and Catholic high school. My parents had hardsghips of their own yet they never complained and made sure we were raised with faith in God, respect for others and kindness in our hearts.

Rebekah set up a Momosa sign at the brunch. We enjoyed champagne with different juices and fresh fruit and it was wonderful. 

Rebekah had this made for me, a cupcake bouquet but she made sure the fellas had some chocolate cupcakes of their own. She is a good daughter, wife and general all around kind soul. She and Zach gifted me with two beautiful floral bouquests. Once my photos are organized, I will post more of the fun and wonderul gifts I received. 

Rebekah and Hannah made freckle faces on Mother's Day 2021 on the way to Jeremy & Brittany's. 

Noelle, Jeremy, Avery, myself, Rebekah, Nick and Hannah. This was us, Mother's Day 2021.

Avery Bear never tells a fib. He tells it exactly the way it is. We are loud and wacky and silly. We love to laugh, we crack jokes, we have fun and we love each other with every fiber of our being. I am guessing it is the BoJon and Irish mixed up blood the kids have. 

I will end here and be back with more Mother's Day stories and photos. I am going to head over to  My Tata's Cottage too.  I will be sharing more stories there. Have a beautiful day and an  incredibly wonderful week and be kind.  This is a perfect share for Sparks

Love is...makes me smile when I think of all the time I was laid up from my neurosurgery, not once or twice but three times.  Anytime I am under the weather, there is Avery caring for me, like the sweet and kind man that he is. I love him and thank him for being so amazing.  Have a blessed and beautiful week everyone. 


  1. I'm so glad you had a grand time and I'm really glad you are feeling better. The photos are all wonderful!

  2. Sorry to hear you were under the weather, i am glad you were able to enjoy Mother's Day and hope you stay well!

  3. You had lots of fun celebrations with your adorable family, how wonderful. We had fun at my house too. Good to hear you are feeling better.

  4. Sounds like some wonderful family time. We love the cupcake bouquet, so pretty and edible too! Respect is what is really lacking in the world these days which is sad. Have a great day!

  5. I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling so much better now. It's wonderful how your family gathers round to help you. The photos are wonderful. The little ones are growing so fast. You have a wonderful day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

  6. I'm sorry you had food poisoning. I wondered what happened to you. You did have some wonderful family time and that's wonderful. Nothing like celebrating Mother's Day with your family.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Anne. Love and hugs. ♥

  7. It's soooo GOOD to 'see' you back, and to hear you're feeling better.
    Gosh, you and Noelle look like happy peas in a pod. I love that idea of a cupcake bouquet ... and the MOMosa bar, too. Your girls are so creative!
    Joining you in prayer today for our world! 💛

  8. Thank goodness you are better- and I love all the family memories and photos!

  9. I am glad you are feeling better. Also glad you had such a nice Mother's Day. XO
