
Wednesday, June 30, 2021


 Thankful Thursday

2021 is coming and going quickly. Can you believe we will be past the halfway mark now?? Snoopy was surfing USA now he's celebrating AMerica's Independence Day. I LOVE Snoopy and I loved Charles Schultz. His Snoopy and Charlie Brown Gang are simply timeless. Thankful for it all.

I've been working around my house and have been in a blogging slump. I want to do a weekly or even daily reminder of Jessica and her kind heart. I was overwhelmed with it all. Then I never want to forget Sharon and had them both on my mind. I will make it all work out. Sharon and I had a long friendship and we disagreed on many issues. True friendship reveals itself when you can disagree and still love someone. I may incorporate some of her stories here. She was a hoot and I miss her calling me terribly.
I figured since Sharon isn't here to cheer me up with her stories maybe Maxine could help. Oh Maxine, I am downsizing around my house but now you made me think.....hmmmmm.....hahahaha! Maxine added a few pounds during the 2020 year and I think some of us did too. Oh Maxine, you are so snarky!

Our baby girl turns 30 on July 3. I found this C.S. Lewis quote to share:

Thirty was so strange for me. I've really had to come to terms with with the fact that I am now a walking and talking adult. C.S. Lewis

She and Jake will be visiting here the week after her birthday. We wish we could be there with them but life often simply gets in the way. We are so thankful they will be here soon.

"I'm turning thirty years old this's better than 20, I'll tell you that. The lessons I've learned." Christina Aguilera  (born 1980).

July 3 is also the heavenly birthday of my dad's little brother Frank. He would be 106 years old but he barely made it to his third birthday before he passed away. 1918 was not a kind year for my grandparents and their phamily. Resting in his heavenly home, I am certain he is with those he loved best. For that I am very thankful.

There is always someone or something to pray for. I love to be asked to pray for others. I keep a list on my phone and I am faithful to praying each day.

I have missed many fun memes lately. Just life getting in my way and my home needing my attention. I thank Ellen and Lorianne for hosting this one and thinking up the weekly fill in's. 

1. This summer, I plan to ________________.

2. My favorite food at a bbq is ________________.

3. You'll find me ___________at a party.

4. _________________is the silliest thing I've ever argued about.

I will be back tomorrow to make sure I reveal the answers I have.

We have had some rain and some cooler temps. I am thankful for it all. I wish you a restful night and many sweet dreams. I pray tomorrow we are all here again. Have a beautiful night/

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Wordless Wednesday

 Wordless Wednesday

"He stretches out the North over empty space; He hangs the earth on nothing. " Job 26:7

Monday, June 21, 2021


 Happy Tuesday

Noelle sent me two photos of the phamily here. I think Benjamin is looking down in the one I posted yesterday. It is hard to catch all those smiling faces at one time! I just wanted to ask for prayer for Tarrah. When Ella was born, Tarrah's kidneys started to fail. So now she is on a list for a transplant and even has a few friends and relatives that are willing to be tested. These are the times I need my friend Sharon. But since I can not see her in this earthly life again I feel lost. I know lots of information about transplants. I worked in the UCHSC medical school and hospital for many years. But Sharon was a dialysis patient and she knew all the intricacies. Actually I never knew anyone as smart as she was about medicine. Having worked in the hospital starting at age 16 when she collected info for birth certificates. Sharon had a wealth of knowledge regarding the medical field. Attending doctors adored her and often would not talk to anyone else to admit their critical patients. She was in a class by herself. Her mom managed the Medical Records department for many years. Between Sharon and Naomi, you always had the best info you needed regarding your patients. My heart hurts for Sharon's mom. She is 89 years old and she and her husband, Troy were caring for Sharon. I know I will send more letters to her mom and remind her of Sharon's stories we shared through the years. I am happy I knew such an amazing woman. 

Maxine always has an opinion on everything under the sun. She is right on about this one!

John MacArthur helped me through many difficult moments when my kids were small. Working a full time job opposite my husband we seemed to pass like ships in the night. He worked days and I worked the second shift. An older woman I worked with Betty Adams gave me  info on to the Bellview Bible School/College and Christian radio station.  She and her husband attended the Pilar of Fire also on the campus. The campus is a very lovely place. When our kids were small my husband took classes and studied two years of New Testament Greek. I always was sad he could never finish his degree there but he learned so much from so many older gentlemen who taught at the college. The radio played wonderful music and they hosted many programs from Kevin Lehman, a Christian child psychologist to Focus on the Family , Elisabeth Eliott , Joni Eareckson Tada and many others. I found if I listened to these programs and the music my chaotic life was calmed from the storms of life. The Westminster Castle was built in 1908 and this beautiful building stands on the top of a hill overlooking  the campus where there is a school and  the church and radio station as well as a cemetrey where many of those who have left this earth are buried.

This is a photo of the castle .  Dr. Robert Dallenbach is still involved in the Pilar of Fire church but at 93 he is officially retired. 

I just don't know what I would do without Loretta. This caught my eye and made me laugh until I heard something snap, crackle or pop!  Loretta is a lifeline to humor and sheer silliness. 

I wish you all a restful night. My father use to say, "God willing tomorrow......(fill in the blank). As I studied the bible for myself I learned he had taken that from the book of James. So I will often say I hope we are all here tomorrow or God willing, I pray we meet again tomorrow. We are not promised any days so I am grateful for the one I have right now. Take care and enjoy your new week.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Father's Day


My friend Yvonne  shared this having spent her first Fathers Day without her precious dad. He passed away in 2020 but due to restrictions everywhere they held their service for him just recently. It is very lovely.

Forgive me if I jump around here and there today. I want to share this Princess Sassy in memory of Jessica.  She touched the hearts of so many of us and I am going to post these "For the Love of Jessica". I have found kindness matters more than anything these days. except love. It will always matter most. I run the bubble machines several times a day, I wake up in the morning and I turn these bubbles on. I stand in my living room and say, this is for you Jessica, because I know how much you loved bubbles. I glance at a photo of Alastor Avery I have in my curio cabinet and I think, I wonder if Alastor Avery befriended Jessica? She was a good mom and grandma and she would be his instant friend. It truly makes me feel better. Heaven is a better place when the loved ones you lost are there. There is great comfort for me in that. 


We will work our way forward. Ella went to brunch with her folks and four brothers and met their Grammie Noelle and Papa Roger there. They even had an omelet called "Ella". When she is older, maybe she will order it.  She is the youngest of the five with Andrew and Tarrah. These two are incredible parents. Now Andrew will tell you out of five children, there is one who loves daddy best:

Andrew says Logan loves him best and one out of five isn't too bad. This is a curly haired daddy's boy. You want to see cuteness, here it is. I think of the day Logan was born. He really  has come a long way and getting so big everyday. A blessing for this 2021 Father's Day.
Benjamin looks a little tired. They drove a long way, about 30-40 minutes across the interstate to come enjoy brunch. They are a neat bunch of boys and a lone sister.

Michael was resting his weary head while waiting for his breakfast food.  This boy is kind, always looking out for others.

You know the expression, like father, like son? Well here they are. The poster boys. Jayden likes to push the envelope. Andrew was a similar child. But he is a good father. He knows what he has to do and he takes on the challenge. He is raising young men and one little lady. I think he and Tarrah are mastering the job.  Happy Father's Day to you Andrew! You are a good father, a keeper, a man who loves his little phamily dearly.

All together for a fun brunch! Happy Father's Day 2021!

The Phamily, Colton and Jacey, Harrison and Shea.
Alastor Avery and Harrison James/ A favorite photo of two brothers, one heavenly today and one enjoying his big brother role with a sister too. Harrison has always been a good brother.  As for daddy Colton, he works hard and spends his free time with his kids. He and Jacey work hard and they have a sweet phamily. Happy Father's Day Colton Edward!

Noelle and Roger love being with their kids. Look at that smile on Roger. It looks like the one he had when he saw his first born grand girl Jaslin graduate from high school. That girl would wrap him around her finger for a lifetime. These two have more grandkids than we do. They have 11 and we have 6. But we have the great grands and they number 11! Roger is their phamily child care provider. When you need help, call your Papa. Happy Father's Day, Roger. 

Rebekah and her dad, she and Zach are cooking us dinner tonight. It will be a wonderful time.

Happy Father's Day to the number one dad! This hubby of mine is number one always in my book. He makes me laugh and that has been such good therapy in these past weeks losing sweet friends from my life.  I wish him a wonderful day as he has his own dad on his mind having been born on this day 93 years ago but spending Father's Day in heaven since 1992. Happy Father's Day to all dads out there. They never get the true recognition they deserve.


Billy Graham was one smart man.  I love these words so much.

Something  to ponder for Sparks

Saturday, June 19, 2021



Avery Allen Robinson, the father of my late father-in-law Carl T. Robinson. Avery Allen passed away in his 30;s leaving my father-in-law and his older sister and younger brother orphaned as their mom passed away too.

My father-in-law was a guard at the C F and I Steel Corp. He was a wonderful man and had one younger brother Allen and one older sister Hazel. They were orphaned when they were 7,5,3.

My sweetheart Avery with Blake today making sure every drop of that red popsicle was delicious.

Nick and Avery and Jeremy a few years ago on Father's Day. Sons and their father.

Avery as a small boy. Nick has his genes. 

Jeremy and Blake at the first T Ball game for Brody today.

Jeremy at kindergarten graduation long ago. He is a wonderful son, brother, husband, father. More Father's Day wishes will be here tomorrow. Have a great evening.

My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, "You're tearing up the grass." "We're not raising grass," Dad would reply. "We're raising boys." ~Harmon Killebrew, 1984

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Feline Friday


I found this google image and had to share it. Those are some interesting feline names. My favorite, always and forever is Nathaniel Pawthorne. Feline Friday

A cool cat, a refreshing cold drink and some sun shades. It is one way to beat the heat.

Ellen and Lorianne co host this fun blog hop. Ellen came up with the first two and Lorianne the other two. Thanks ladies. 

1. If I could trade places  with someone for a day,  I would trade with no one . I like me ok and I would love to have the traits my grandmother Cecilia had. I am not sure I could have lived her life. But I loved her dearly.

2. I would like to own a  bigger closet some day.

3. I can't stand  the heat and allergies this time of year. It is rneally bad this year.

4.Phamily is my favorite thing about this time of year. Anytime of the year actually.

My morning ran away from me. Banking and groceries and such. I spent lots of time creating a Father;s Day playlist for my sweet husband. Three hours later I looked at the clock, Here I am but I get into my music and time flies away from me.



These are the Brothers Robinson II. Their dad  Jeremy and his younger brother Nick are the  Brothers Robinson I,  although their dad Avery was the "original" Brothers Robinson with older brother Mike (RIP) and John.  We have not see John since 2016  . We lost Mike in 2015. I am grateful my sweet husband has some nice photo memories with his brothers and of course, his lone sister Lucy too.

A google find. Sweet poetry.

This snapshot of my father-in-law Carl is my husband's favorite photo. He has it framed and it sits on his nightstand.  Oh how I miss him and his ornery sense of humor. He would celebrate a birthday on June 20th.

 So I will say Happy Heavenly Birthday and Father's Day to him today. He is the second guy next to the two guys chatting on your right.  Oh the stories he would tell. But never about war and he was near Pearl Harbor in a submarine when the attack happened. He worked as a guard at the CFandI Steel Corp. My dad worked in the rail mill as a head roller. They worked so hard to provide for their phamilies.

My father-in-law drove a Dodge truck like this one. I would love to be able to afford to purchase this truck and a truck like my dad's 69 Chevy truck.  I found this photo at google images

I will return tomorrow with my stories of dad's in my life. Have a beautiful evening.

The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature. ~Antoine-François, Abbé Prévost d'Exiles


This cat is something else! He has taken over my Minky blankets. You have never felt anything so soft and sweet. I can't sleep without them and I guess now, neither can he!  I suppose as long as he is not ornery I will allow him this luxury. I am thankful for him. He sure warms my feet on cold nights but he is smart to find a cool bed with this heat we are having. He likes to go where it is extra cold. We keep the a/c on low at night as the temp falls about 20-30 degrees which is not very much with a high of 102 expected today. 

Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. Ellen came up with the first two and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two. The linky stays open until Wednesday night.
1. If I could trade places with someone for a day, I would trade with ________________________.

2. I would like to own a __________________ some day.

3. I can’t stand _________ this time of the year.

4. _________ is my favorite thing about this time of the year.
Tomorrow I will show you my answers.

Happy Tuesday

 Happy Tuesday

This made me laugh. My left knee gives me a fit! I thought of getting the shots in my knees but I decided to try some excerises and I feel much better. I just don't overdo anything these days. Plus it is 99 degrees outside, No thank you! I will enjoy the coolness of my house which makes me very happy.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

SONday SONday


Because of Jessia Marie Baker , please be kind. This beautiful woman graced this earth for a short 46 years. She was a daughter, mother, grandmother, friend. She cared for each person she met. She had a personality so big you would burst with joy when you met her. Yet, privately, her life was touched with much sadness. Yet she made everything worthwhile. I am going to do a reminder of her attitude of positive love, kindness and caring. This Wednesday, June 16th, her phamily and friends will gather at noon, at a local park to blow bubbles. Jessica loved bubbles. I have blown bubbles all my life. When I had to go to the USPS the years I did my own businesses like Princess House, Avon, MaryKay, House of Lloyd, Premier Design Jewelry, I often sat in my car waiting for the lines to subside and I would blow bubbles out of my car window. I received more smiles than anything else. 

I was saving Brody in the bubbles for a Wordless Wednesday...but I started to think of Jessica and what a kick she would get out of this child. So this is for Jessica, kindness, happiness, love and joy rolled up in a busy boy with a contagious laugh! Life is fleeting, enjoy the bubbles!

Although this is just a meme, Rebekah Michelle was the 3 A.M. baby who waited from 10 A.M. to 3 A.M. the next morning to be born.  Today she celebrates 33 years of life.

Loves loves driving in the car. Even as a baby, although too young to get behind that wheel, she loved the jingle of car keys. She has traveled by her herself to lots of places, the farthest being Ireland in 2016.

She is a cutie. Today her husband came upstair clean shaved! We were all shocked, but as a birthday gift to h er, he shaved his beard. He has beautiful natural curly hair and he wears it longer.  So he shaved off that beard. She was tickled!

Tonight she will enjoy a Tres Leche Cake with carmel for her birthday. She always has a fun cake. Happy Birthday to Rebekah my "Tillie Girl".

This car, a 1953 Corvette was introduced the year I was born. Today Jeremy took his phamily, minus Blake (he stayed with us) to a car show. He sent me this photo:

Oh that is a beautiful car! Sigh.............

I will share more car photos throught this week. I am trying so hard to get back into blogging. It has been so difficult with Sharon and Jessica on my mind.

Say hello to Aw...Mondays

Love is...reading my mind on this hot and late SONday evening.