
Wednesday, June 30, 2021


 Thankful Thursday

2021 is coming and going quickly. Can you believe we will be past the halfway mark now?? Snoopy was surfing USA now he's celebrating AMerica's Independence Day. I LOVE Snoopy and I loved Charles Schultz. His Snoopy and Charlie Brown Gang are simply timeless. Thankful for it all.

I've been working around my house and have been in a blogging slump. I want to do a weekly or even daily reminder of Jessica and her kind heart. I was overwhelmed with it all. Then I never want to forget Sharon and had them both on my mind. I will make it all work out. Sharon and I had a long friendship and we disagreed on many issues. True friendship reveals itself when you can disagree and still love someone. I may incorporate some of her stories here. She was a hoot and I miss her calling me terribly.
I figured since Sharon isn't here to cheer me up with her stories maybe Maxine could help. Oh Maxine, I am downsizing around my house but now you made me think.....hmmmmm.....hahahaha! Maxine added a few pounds during the 2020 year and I think some of us did too. Oh Maxine, you are so snarky!

Our baby girl turns 30 on July 3. I found this C.S. Lewis quote to share:

Thirty was so strange for me. I've really had to come to terms with with the fact that I am now a walking and talking adult. C.S. Lewis

She and Jake will be visiting here the week after her birthday. We wish we could be there with them but life often simply gets in the way. We are so thankful they will be here soon.

"I'm turning thirty years old this's better than 20, I'll tell you that. The lessons I've learned." Christina Aguilera  (born 1980).

July 3 is also the heavenly birthday of my dad's little brother Frank. He would be 106 years old but he barely made it to his third birthday before he passed away. 1918 was not a kind year for my grandparents and their phamily. Resting in his heavenly home, I am certain he is with those he loved best. For that I am very thankful.

There is always someone or something to pray for. I love to be asked to pray for others. I keep a list on my phone and I am faithful to praying each day.

I have missed many fun memes lately. Just life getting in my way and my home needing my attention. I thank Ellen and Lorianne for hosting this one and thinking up the weekly fill in's. 

1. This summer, I plan to ________________.

2. My favorite food at a bbq is ________________.

3. You'll find me ___________at a party.

4. _________________is the silliest thing I've ever argued about.

I will be back tomorrow to make sure I reveal the answers I have.

We have had some rain and some cooler temps. I am thankful for it all. I wish you a restful night and many sweet dreams. I pray tomorrow we are all here again. Have a beautiful night/


  1. Maxine makes me giggle. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. June just flew by for us. It's the way of things anymore. I still enjoy every single day though.

    You know how I love Maxine and Auntie Acid. Those two are probably best of friends.

    I know you miss your friends. It's hard to lose them.

    Have a blessed Thankful Thursday, honey. Love and hugs. ♥

  3. Oh yea, June flew by! That Maxine is such a hoot. Family is so important and we are all thankful to have ours. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. I'm seriously in awe how fast this year is going ... how long ago I was 30. And still, life lessons keep coming. It's a never-ending classroom, and I'm sure grateful to have you along for the term!

    My answers:
    1. Keep on the Keto train.
    2. Conecuh sausage
    3. Sitting in a quiet spot, nursing my glass and (hopefully) having a good conversation. Nope, I'm a terrible mingler/social buttfly.
    4. Silliest? Tom and I debating, is there a difference between a wet measure and dry.

  5. You have lots to remember and that Maxine, MOL! Purrs

  6. You have a lot going on this month!

  7. Happy Birthday to your little girl. Oh to be 30 again. :) XO

  8. We agree, purayer is important and it makes a difference!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  9. It's good to see you again, and Maxine is right about that kind of downsizing.
