
Sunday, June 6, 2021

SONday Sadness and Aw....Mondays

 Since losing my friend Sharon May 19th, I have found it difficult to sit down and write. Today I found out, that Jessica, a sweet and kind waitress from one of our favorite places, passed away on June 3rd. She was 46. A lady who worked with Jessica said they both suffered from epilepsy and Jessica went to bed and never woke up on June 3rd.

I remember when Jessica had her tatoo across her chest done. She had tatoos in mmemory of her mom, who passed away from breast cancer. Her tatoos told her life story. When she got the heart across her chest, it was in memory of her dad. She cared for him before he passed away and he always called her his "Daddy's Girl". I still can see her smile lighting up a room. This young lady in the photo worked with her and said she was going to have a hard time going back to work because Jessica always  spread kindness and told her to live her life while she was still young. I don't think one person could have passed an unkind word about Jessica. How she loved her children and grands. She loved her friends and was a mom to anyone who did not have one, She exemplified what we should all do, spread kindness. 

Jessica loved Hello Kitty. Several years ago I ordered a pair of Hello Kitty earrings for her from the Avon Lady. The company oversold them and I never was able to give those earrings to her. But I will remember how she loved Hello Kitty and that will help me grieve her loss.

I was unable to attend Sharon;'s service but I wrote letters to each one of her three siblings and her mom and step dad. Sharon was going to be laid to rest next to her dad, whom she loved dearly in Minnesota. I will always remember both of these wonderful, strong and beautiful women. I can honor their memories by continuing their kindness to those I know and those I will meet. Rest easy beautiful ladies.

Oh Loretta, I have you to make me laugh and lately, it has been hard to think of laughter. I thought this feline was a perfect share for Aw...Mondays.

I hope your day was blessed and beautiful. I will share this final thought in memory of Sharon and Jessica. I will also be visiting and catching up as much as I can. Life is so hard, I have to pray harder.


  1. Oh how awful; I am so sorry! She was so young! When I go, I hope it will be peacefully in my sleep. I know that is no consolation, though.

  2. So very sorry for your loss. It is really hard to deal with sometimes. We lost a dog sports friend. She was fine until she went to the dr for a physical in December and they told her she had cancer, an aggressive, untreatible kind. She passed away 2 weeks ago at 66. She went from planning all the things she was going to do this year to being a shell of herself. It happened so fast. We are so very sad, so we completely understand your sadness as well.

  3. I'm so sorry for your losses. I absolutely love that picture of the black cat. I hope your day is peaceful, hugs, Edna B.

  4. I'm so sorry, Anne. Two precious people to mourn. Big healing hugs.

    You're right about kindness. We all need to spread it all around. I'm with you.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. More healing hugs. ♥

  5. Oh Anne, I'm SO sorry to learn of Jessica's passing ... and, too, right on the heels of your friend, Sharon. I think your writing personal letters to her siblings and her mother is a splendid idea. So much better than a card or flowers.

    Thank you for sharing her story today. I'm going to go out and try to be a little kinder than necessary. We never know, do we?

  6. Those losses really are very sad, we're sorry to hear about each and we pray for their families and friends.

  7. That is so sad. Sounds like Jessica was a sweet person. XO

  8. So Sorry for your loss!I have seizures so every day I wake up is an added blessing.

  9. This is so sad, and I know that even though Jessica was blessed to have passed peacefully in her sleep,that's no comfort to those left behind. Sending love, hugs, and prayers for comfort and peace.
    Love the saying that we're all in the same storm, but not in the same boat. Hope it's okay to share it.

  10. My heart aches for you and for everyone who knew and loved Jessica.

    All in the same storm, what an excellent way to say it.

  11. Oh ny - my sympathies to you and all the families who have lost such good women.

  12. What a lovely tribute to such wonderful people. Thank you for sharing these ladies and your feelings for them with us. We send you heartfelt purrayers, love and strength.
