
Monday, July 12, 2021

Happy Tuesday

 Happy Tuesday

We had a wonderful dinner at Pho our niece Stacie and her husband Eddie and three of the kids, Taylor, Jayden and Kristi. Rebekah, Avery , Hannah , Jake and myself joined the fun. Phamily fun!

We had a fun time at Horsetooth Reservoir today. Avery and I along with Roger and Noelle enjoyed some quiet time in the shade while Hannah, Rebekah and Jake went kayaking. 

Roger and Noelle. We watched all the kayakers and other water enthusiasts enjoy a beautiful day on the water.

Hannah and Rebekah enjoyed the water. 

Jake was having a good time in the water too. It was a beautiful day for a picnic and some water fun.

About an hour's drive from our home. It was a relaxing day and we topped it off with dinner at Pho with our niece Stacie and her phamily.  Happy Tuesday for us !

Oh Maxine, she has an opinion on everything. But you either love her or hate her. Be like our grandson Blake:

Sometime you just have to say : Later Hater

It was an exhausting day so I will be back to catch up on mre commenting. I appreciate each one of you that stops by. Thank you and Sweet Dreams.


  1. The kayaking sure looks fun. We would love to be out on the water in the heat this summer but we don't have time for that and we don't have a kayak. Glad you are having such a great time.

  2. What a wonderful time with family and what a way to celebrate a birthday. You have an amazing family.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  3. Y'all are so stinkin' cute!
    I'd love to try kayaking sometime, but won't. Knowing how uncoordinated I am there's little likelihood I'd remain upright for more than a few seconds.
    I'd not heard "Later Hater" before, but I love it!

  4. what a great day! I love kayaking! Take care!

  5. It is nice to see adventures happening again.

  6. That picture of you & Avery is wonderful!!!! I love your hat, you lil spring chicken, you!!! You look great and ready to tackle some fun!!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  7. What a fun day with your family! The kayaking looks like fun. I'm so glad things are finally getting back to normal. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  8. Nice photos. Looks like a fun times was had by all. XO

  9. Looks like a grand time and I'm sure the food was good too!
