
Saturday, July 31, 2021

T Ball Medal Time and Sushi Saturday


Brody earned his medal at T ball today. He was very proud. It was a perfect day, we had lots of rain last night, thankful for it. The weather was cooler and we enjoyed watching him . It was the start of a perfect day.

Blake is going to be a great baseball player. He ran the bases, stopping on each one and circled around 1-2-3- and HOME again! Daddy let him wear the medal.

Brody's cousin Kamrie played T-ball with him. She has a real talent for the game. She reminds me of all the sweet girls I know who played the sport. Brody will start Soccer in September and he is going to pre-school. My goodness, how did he grow up so fast?

Noelle and Roger split this sushi plate with Avery and I. Roger is not a huge fan, he had some yummy looking beef broccli. The day was picture perfect.

This little girl is so loved. Here are the men in her life. Papa Roger, Daddy Colton and Great Grandfather Avery. She was hoping the food was coming to our tables quickly. The girl loved good food. 

I like to snap photos randomly. Our waitress with her mask on, is such a sweetheart. She always welcomes us and takes such good care of us. Today there were fifteen of us and we needed an extra table. 

Colton and Jacey had a huge tray of sushi. They shared some with us too.

Noelle snapped this photo of all of us enjoying a meal together. It was too long that we had to wait to get together at our favorite sushi place.

Rebekah and Zach ordered this sushi plate. Lots of yummy goodness here.

Roger had a beef broccoli plate. Lots of veggies and tender beef. It was a good meal with lots of loved ones.

Jacey and Shea and Colton. Shea loves good food and is always ready to have a good meal. She often eats more than brother Harrison.

P H A M I L Y : people in your life who are close to your heart. Who bring out the best in you, who laugh, celebrate, and dream with you. Who love you infinitely. The words were in a google image. I had to re print the words as they were miniscual. 
We had so much rain and had so much work to do in the yard and in the house. It was nice to slip away with all the phamily that us here and enjoy good company and good food. Until next time, take care, stay happy and love those who are closet to you with everything in your heart.



  1. The sushi looks like fancy little desserts. I have never eaten sushi, but this would tempt me.

  2. Those lil' major leaguers are adorable!
    I'm not a fan of sushi, but would arm wrestle Roger for some of his beef broccoli. That's my favorite.
    Happy SONday!

  3. What fun photos. The little ones are growing up so fast. I don't do sushi. You can have mine! Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  4. What a great day! I don't care for sushi, but I will take the beef and broccoli, smiles. I hope you have a beautiful Sunday. smiles

  5. Letting the kids play and learn good sportsmanship from a young age is important.

    What a fun time, all of you together at a restaurant! May you have many more such happy moments.

  6. Way to go Brody, that's a terrific medal! We are fans of sushi here too!

  7. Congratulations to Brody! That beef with broccoli looks good- I always order that at Chinese restaurants. :) XO
