
Saturday, August 7, 2021

A Mishmash of My Life in Photos Part I


Jeremy, Hannah and Boots, my favorite house we owned on Durango where the kids grew up with their life long friends.

Rebekah honoring my friend Sharon (RIP May 19, 2021) with her trifle. She made it for America's Birthday 2021. Sharon would have been so very proud. I took it to a Princess House event once and my friend and PH mentor Jonel (RIP Sept 2010) said give me a straw , I'll siuck all that goodness from the bottom of the trifle dish! That is a favoirte memory and I remember sharing it with Sharon, who laughed so hard, she had to put down her phone and grab a glass of water! Memories are what what me happy in this wicked ole world. Our backyard on Downing Drive.


Nick and Santa back in days when such things were exciting for little ones. Nick truly loved vsiting the white beared ole fellow.

Noelle her bestie Crystal and Jeremy. A turkey cake just for fun.  That was in our house on 105th Drive.

Some wise words about motherhood.


  1. Lovely, lovely, heart warming photos.
    Those words of wisdom are totally on the money too - which I wish that more people remembered.

  2. Those were fun to see, so many happy memories!

  3. Such wonderful photos of your family. XO

  4. How fun, seeing your old photos! I've been spending much time lately looking through old albums, wondering what happened. Time is a thief.

  5. Wonderful photos. That is so true about motherhood! Enjoy your day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

  6. Beautiful family memories, i wish you many, many more of them to come.

    Are you serious that you live on a street called Downing Drive?

  7. Awwww... what beautiful memories & pictures to go along with them. Thank you for sharing. ~Andrea xoxoxo
