
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Happy Thursday

 Thankful Thursday

I have felt like this all week long. Today I had an errand to run at the credit union. Thankful for the drive up window.  A bit unhappy that my pharmacy no longer has their walk up outside window. They have no help, one clerk and one pharmacist. They fill hundreds of prescriptions each day. I know I am not alone in my unhappiness.  Very sad what is happening to our country. My dad told me it would be like this, going backward instead of forward. Certainly thankful so many loved ones are no longer here to see the destruction.

Thankful for  Nancy for  sharing this one. Nancy is a dog walker. She is so positive, and that is so encouraging. She lost her dad last year. She lost her mom several years ago to breast cancer. She and her sister had just visited their dad for his birthday. I think many elderly folks are tired, simply from working hard and not seeing a return on their hard work.  Always thankful for Nancy and her light shining bright. 

Thankful for a lifelong friendship with Carole. She shares lots of encouragement too. I believe you can purchase this at etsy. It is a lovely piece with very thoughtful words that are so very true. 

Thankful for my Oklahoma born friend Jean who lives in Texas these days. This take on the Serenity Prayer is quite clever. This made me laugh out loud because I Know so many opinionated people who think their way is the only way. These are people I now avoid, with as much grace as I can muster.  We all think we are right or our words matter more. So untrue. 


  1. You have some good quotes and advice there today. Being positive creates positivity. Sure, there are days when one is just down, but being positive and always reaching for the stars really does work to create happiness and great things.

  2. Those are good thanksful. Our Dad's Grandma always said that everyone is entitled to their own wrong opinion! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Love these last 2 memes, Anne! Stealing that Serenity prayer for my FB page. 😉
    Yes, the one about stealing the keys looks like Anita's page on -- Zen to Zany. I love all her stuff.

    So thankful for YOU!

  4. I agree, I get tired too, but then I'm up and grateful to be up. Each day is a gift. You have a super day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

  5. Wonderful thankful things today. Yes the direction of our country if frightening.

    I too have distanced myself from toxic folks that have an opinion and there's is the right one. Not true.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Anne. Love and hugs. ♥

  6. A great post today, a tribute to your blog friends and great quotes as well. My fav is the last one.

  7. That is a great version of the Serenity Prayer. XO

  8. Loved your thanksfuls and quotes. Uplifting

  9. Fun post, especially that version of the Serenity Prayer. It is so hard to bobble-head at people sometimes when you just want to yell at them to please learn to think.

  10. I would LOVE-LOVE-LOVE a walk-up window to every business in town! Most of the time they won't let you walk up to a drive-up window.... you must be in your car. I'd love a walk-up window to my pharmacy and to my cleaners and to... well... to everything!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  11. Haha, that cat sure strikes a chord. That's how I've been feeling lately.
    And I love Nancy's quote. So very true.
    Thanks for sharing.
